
BodomIsYourGod said:
your funny mabey if you stop suckin dick and acttuly listen to bodom then your could

You can always tell someone's in a right state at thier screen when they type like this. :err:

*awaits the...'phuk yu drakmar anny i am teh disleksick dont eva juj mi'*
People can ridicule alexi personally..pretty fuckin dumb because i dont think anyone here knows him personally (could be wrong) but whatever...i could care less about any of this long as the music rocks then its all good. I will agree that COB's music has got a bit more simplified since exposure in the US, but that doesnt mean its worse. Hell..Pantera was simple shit but they fucking rocked. Alexi is a phenominal musician and just decided to take a different direction for some new what. Its better than the same shit every album I suppose. Bodoms music is still up their in my favorite shit to listen to category along with Symphony X, Cacophony, Wintersun and all that other good technical shit.
It's a good thing that your post made sense in context, or else it would make me laugh. I like how you defended Alexi as a person and how you defended Bodom's music apparently becoming more simplified as of late when it was not brought up at all in this thread. Coherrent thought is a wonderful thing, and I admire your unmatchable skill of making comments that are relative to the thread. I hope that I too can be as cool as you someday.
Disregard my was meant for the "Alexi is a complete tard" thread...too bad i couldnt catch the mistake before some miserable prick read it.
It's also too bad that you resorted to name calling and wound up making yourself look like the miserable one here, which I guess I would do too if I didn't have the brainpower to be able to tell the difference between different threads on a discussion forum.

Thank you for playing, please try again. :Spin: