All right dudes, what new gear are you getting for christmas?

Assuming you haven't played one...I would say stay away from that thing. I was stoked to see it come out, but when I played it I was extremely disappointed. Far from what you would expect. For the record, Misha (bulb) is selling his, check his myspace page (I think it's and look in his blogs, you will see it listed there for sale.


I've played two of them, and even though the neck is kind of thin, I still liked them a lot. The F#-string is horrible with stock strings though. I'm getting it just to get used to an 8-string, I'm eventually probably going to sell it when I receive my custom 8 (dunno when, the luthier hasn't mailed me for like 3 or 4 months :erk: maybe he's got problems with doing the fanned frets or something).

Yeah, I know Misha is selling his, but I'm located in Finland, so with all the taxes and shipping etc. buying it would end up costing me a lot more than a new one. That, and I got a good deal on it (under €800, new ones are like €1500 here. It's about $1000 so it's cheaper than bulb's too, and it's in mint condition just like bulb's).

I wasn't going to buy a new guitar originally at all, I just messaged the seller about it with my offer because I momentarily just tought it was a cool idea, and he agreed to sell it :lol: well, I can always buy a Redeye and a Padkontrol later. Maybe I'll order the Padkontrol from DV along with a Microkorg XL when it's released.
Assuming you haven't played one...I would say stay away from that thing. I was stoked to see it come out, but when I played it I was extremely disappointed. Far from what you would expect.

How come man?

5150 and Digitech GSP1101 are leaving me in January, replaced by an AxeFX!

DAMN dude, seriously? You're gonna go all IR-based recording, or are you gonna get a power amp?
Not for any sort of holiday or anything, but I just pulled the trigger on a used (though I couldn't even find a scratch) Splawn 4X12 with V30s in it for $599.
Got my mics back today! Merry Christmas to me!

Here's a detailed A/B comparison thread here:

Lots of pics & sound files to check out!
DAMN dude, seriously? You're gonna go all IR-based recording, or are you gonna get a power amp?

If I ever play live again I'll grab a poweramp, which is why I'm still keeping my cabinet (in all honesty I'll probably sell that in 4-5 months to fund a new guitar or pair of A7's), but the AxeFX has it's own IR modeler built in, so I'll be set. I was going to get one this summer as a college-rig, but I've decided to do it in advance because of how cool they are and how chances of me being in another band over here are slim-to-none.
At the moment I've ordered a bunch of Mogami cables with Neutrik connectors to use for my monitor run. I'm sick of dealing with crappy variables in my monitoring chain. Soon after the monitors themselves will go.

Along with that I've got a pair of these babies coming...


They sounded like having a PA system strapped to my head when I last tried them out. Crapped all over the Sennheiser HD280s alongside them.
Audio technica headphones PWN. I've got some with no model number or anything, they look really cheap, but DAMN they sound good.

Marcus: I was just reallllllly disappointed with it. Granted it had the factory strings on was still really subpar IMO, especially for the price. I've been playing long enough and consider myself a guitar junkie and would like to think I've gotten to where I can get past the stock strings and understand where that leaves off and the crap end of the guitar comes in. I didn't feel, hear or see the big jump in price from a 7 to an 8 of the same quality from Ibby. I'm not a big Ibby fan as it is, but their 7s are pretty damn good I'll admit. I prefer my meaty HellRaiser C7 anyway, but if Schecter weren't making that I'd have a 1527 or something definitely. I have a problem with 7s as it is, they have this inherent lack of clarity just by the design itself, nothing you can do about it but tweak it all until it's close as possible. The 8 is not simply "one more string" but rather the 7 problem enhanced a few times over, which I did expect, but this was ridiculous. I guess it was just because I really had the money to buy one and sooo wanted it to kick ass, but I was let down. I thought it would be cool to have an 8 laying around to noodle with or at least be some eye candy for the clients or a good conversation piece for those that had never heard of/seen one before. But it didn't meet my expectations for the price they ask so I'll pass. Maybe if I find a used on on eBay for a good deal someday...

That's all just my preference and opinion, I'm glad that one dude likes it and I hope he is very happy with it. Strokes for folks n all.

Marcus: I was just reallllllly disappointed with it. Granted it had the factory strings on was still really subpar IMO, especially for the price. I've been playing long enough and consider myself a guitar junkie and would like to think I've gotten to where I can get past the stock strings and understand where that leaves off and the crap end of the guitar comes in. I didn't feel, hear or see the big jump in price from a 7 to an 8 of the same quality from Ibby. I'm not a big Ibby fan as it is, but their 7s are pretty damn good I'll admit. I prefer my meaty HellRaiser C7 anyway, but if Schecter weren't making that I'd have a 1527 or something definitely. I have a problem with 7s as it is, they have this inherent lack of clarity just by the design itself, nothing you can do about it but tweak it all until it's close as possible. The 8 is not simply "one more string" but rather the 7 problem enhanced a few times over, which I did expect, but this was ridiculous. I guess it was just because I really had the money to buy one and sooo wanted it to kick ass, but I was let down. I thought it would be cool to have an 8 laying around to noodle with or at least be some eye candy for the clients or a good conversation piece for those that had never heard of/seen one before. But it didn't meet my expectations for the price they ask so I'll pass. Maybe if I find a used on on eBay for a good deal someday...

That's all just my preference and opinion, I'm glad that one dude likes it and I hope he is very happy with it. Strokes for folks n all.


We'll see, I'm getting it next week so I'll then know if it's good or not. Ibanez seems to have worse quality control nowadays, so it's not a surprise people are getting disappointed with some of them. I've seen some Schecters that have been even worse though... Esp and Ltd seem to be the best in that, which is pretty weird, since the Korean Ltd's and Schecters are apparently made in the same factory?

Anyway, you did know Schecters gonna release a C8 Hellraiser soon, right? It's pretty cool! I don't like Schecters myself though, and it's apparently only 26.5" scale, so I'm not considering getting one.

I'd actually prefer if I'd found a used Sc608b instead, but there's only one in Finland I think, which was brought here from the US by our band's other guitarist. He got it sold in like two weeks for €900, and he'd paid something like $900 for it new :lol: and that was back when €1 was ~$1.7 so... I talked to the Finnish ESP dealer once and asked if they're going to import any Sc608b's (or Fm408's, which I'm not interested in though, as it's only 25.5" scale) and he was like "Who the fuck wants to play 8-strings anyway? We might import one at some point, just to see if it gets sold. Quite many have asked if we're going to get them and when they'll be available"... Meanwhile, the Ibanez dealer here has rather many Rg2228's :lol:

But anyway, it's just something until I get my 27.5"-30" scale fanned fret custom 8 :cool:
Got a big nice fucking low back pain (lumbalgia). Yeepee! It fucking hurts. :cry: Happy X-fucking-metal-mass.:kickass:
Haha, I have like 3 of those String Swings between my parents' and my house, nice dude :D Not too sure about the belt, though... ;)

What's that MON800 thing? And is that an SM58?