alternative 4 is not good

Originally posted by ezekiel
all the echoes of the vocal lines which pink floyd do a lot. i know your gonna say plenty of bands use echoes and stuff like that, but all i could think of while listening to those parts was the wall. some of the piano lines sounded very floydish, i can't rememer specifics cuz i only listened to it a few times. maybe after a while, it would seem less like a pink floyd rip off.

i was expecting more of a solid example, but what you have said is true. even the lyric "you cant see me but i can you" is the exact same line on a pink floyd i cant remember now.

but you had said above that anathema are trying to sound like floyd. now, thats different and i personally believe not a just was to approach it. being influenced is one thing, imitating is another...anathema have a very original sound mixing elements from many different bands, including pink floyd.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
but you had said above that anathema are trying to sound like floyd. now, thats different and i personally believe not a just was to approach it. being influenced is one thing, imitating is another...anathema have a very original sound mixing elements from many different bands, including pink floyd.

good point.
I like all Anathema albums but personally like 'Judgement' and 'The Silent Enigma' best. If i want a heavy album i'll listen to 'The Silent Enigma' or if I want a chilled out album i'll listen to 'Judgement'.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
what the fuck...whether you like it danny or not but people do put you (and the band together) among those artists. when will you accept that? never, probably. :(

You're so goddamn right there,Emre!
This is my opinion as well.What i see is a lot of digging one's own hole...Sometimes we don't appreciate what's ours,to the extent that we almost make a small propaganda against it.
Everybody has to have his own influences and Pantheon and that is,of course,the initiative to try to be better and better.Imagine what would happen if everyone thought they were the best.Where would that love for music and evolution go if it was consumed by narcissism?On the other side of the spectrum,though,the other edge shall not be followed either.
There is no use in extreme sense of "humbleness",which is what happens in this case (according to my even humblest of opinions),
as,in the end,it might do us harm as well in various ways.fullstop.

No offence Danny:)
Originally posted by Fake Plastic Man
she looks like she is made of bulgarian cheese,i swear!

Ok mister. You want war, you'll have it! Tell me where and when. I'll bring my sword! :mad:

Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
who is beautiful to you than?

This is True beauty
hey FPM, youre probably the first person in this world i see in years listening to blonde redhead apart of me.
useless post but still it cheers me up a bit :)