alternative 4 is not good

Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope's back :cool:
What a useless thread this is :mad: Alt 4 is godly, Judgement is "shitty" (well it's not really that bad to be honest, but their most poppy and boring one (IMO!!!!)). I don't find the words to describe how great the title track is though!
whereve you been fella?
and judgement isnt shity at ll and ima bit drunk tonight.
Judgement is good but it's indeed kind of poppy or as Mick said AOR. It's not bad but lacks the darkness amd intense emotion of A4 and of some songs from AFDTE like the title track and Temporary Peace... Still as Forlorn said the title track is one of the best songs Anathema ever wrote. Fuckin' amazing! Awesome lyrics too. Maybe my fave Anathema lyrics...
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope's back :cool:
What a useless thread this is :mad: Alt 4 is godly, Judgement is "shitty" (well it's not really that bad to be honest, but their most poppy and boring one (IMO!!!!)). I don't find the words to describe how great the title track is though!

welcome back kido:p
I hope you're ok now;)

and yes I gotta agree with you about alternative 4. It's a damn good song in a damn good album of Anathema :rock:

I wonder why people in this forum stop opening such threads and annoy us like that!:mad:
ehh the former posting was not put there by Pagan2002, but by me! I don't know why that happened; sorry mate i know fuck all about forums
someone unregistered.... but i can imagine Pagan2002 won't be too happy with me replying with his ID so this wil be my final posting.. EVER!!!
"Our records show that you have already registered at this board under the name of pagan2002. If you have lost your password, click here. If you would like to modify your profile, click here"

So I can't register and I don't want to anyway
here 'zek,are you sure that sig is long enough??

"leading with nothing, Why don't we lecture about something? Protest the way, we're passive today"

jesuz, Jim lives or wha'?