Am I the only one who thinks MAYH is Opeth's weakest effort?

I dont see how MAYH could be anyones least favorite as long as Deliverance and Blackwater park exist. *ducks* :)

No, but seriously...MAYH i like more than deliverance or blackwater, but all are good albums. i say just keep listening to it.
Deliverance is awesome listen to it with new ears for a week . Keep it away for a long time then play it !! Guarrented Succes :hotjump:
I think its the worst opeth album myself. I also don't like Demon of the Fall.. so there!

I love Opeth, but i'm not going to be a fanboy that likes everything they do just because it's Opeth. Not saying people don't really like MAYH, i'm sure its a favorite for many.. but IMO it's their weakest album besides maybe Deliverance.
Insane or not, I'm sure MAYH will grow on you.

A couple of years ago I felt the same way about MAYH as you.
When in april ethereal (sorry for the pun) a couple of years ago an absent friend of mine borrowed it for quite some time (over a year). When I got it back it was in my CD-player for a couple of weeks and it was then I discovered the beauty of it.

For me all opeth albums has taken long time to fully appreciate, but it's definitely worth the time.

Right now I'm trying to get into Deliverence, but it hasn't clicked yet.
I think it's because the lack of mellow parts, don't get me wrong I like the heavy shit but...hmm.

Take care music lovers!! :wave:
"My Arms Your Hearse" improves when you listen to the whole album, preferably while reading the lyrics. It took a long time for it to grow on me, as well, longer than any other album I have spent time with (and I don't even know why it's so) - "My Arms.." isn't a collection of's a singular piece.
Duvall said:
MAYH is an absolute triumph, and I'd be glad to use it to convert gospel-singing conservatives into raging Opethians..

I think anyone should be able to appreciate the expression of emotion and lucidity of feeling that the album constantly displays..

mm.. gonna listen now. :grin:

lol, well said :lol:
To get into MAYH (or at least, this is how I got into it):

1. Find some spare time (a weekend).
2. Sit in your room. (Probably on your bed)
3. Put My Arms, Your Hearse in.
4. Get the lyrics sheet out.
5. Click play.
6. Read the lyrics with the music, and let them absorb you in their beauty!

:) Six easy steps to love MAYH.
AndICried said:
To get into MAYH (or at least, this is how I got into it):

1. Find some spare time (a weekend).
2. Sit in your room. (Probably on your bed)
3. Put My Arms, Your Hearse in.
4. Get the lyrics sheet out.
5. Click play.
6. Read the lyrics with the music, and let them absorb you in their beauty!

:) Six easy steps to love MAYH.

Worked for me.
AndICried said:
To get into MAYH (or at least, this is how I got into it):

1. Find some spare time (a weekend).
2. Sit in your room. (Probably on your bed)
3. Put My Arms, Your Hearse in.
4. Get the lyrics sheet out.
5. Click play.
6. Read the lyrics with the music, and let them absorb you in their beauty!

:) Six easy steps to love MAYH.
My Arms, Your Hearse is the only Opeth album I havn't done this with!! Arrgghh! Why do I fail?!?!
valgalder said:
I think its the worst opeth album myself. I also don't like Demon of the Fall.. so there!

I love Opeth, but i'm not going to be a fanboy that likes everything they do just because it's Opeth. Not saying people don't really like MAYH, i'm sure its a favorite for many.. but IMO it's their weakest album besides maybe Deliverance.

I don't see Demon of the Fall as anything special either, although I like it.

I've already read the lyrics, not all of them though. And yes it was while listening to it. I think the reason is there's a serious lack of long, melodic passages so common to their other albums. Along with Windowpane, MAYH is very different than all the other albums.

At least I had a heavy need of APril Ethereal today. :grin: I was in my bus coming home from a track meet and I was listening to Drapery Falls, and all of a sudden I was like "Wow I could really go for some April Ethereal right now" and then I shut up because the kid next to me had no fucking clue what the hell I was talking about and was giving me weird looks. Eh.

valgalder said:
I love Opeth, but i'm not going to be a fanboy that likes everything they do just because it's Opeth...

Hmm...not a fanboy...yet has a picture of Mikael's favorite Camel album as his avatar. I wonder?:) You could at least have the UK original pressing artwork for the album instead of that american release space picture nonsense! the original is much prettier:grin:
MAYH is and has remained possibly my least favourite Opeth album. I've tried and tried to get into it...but it won't let me.

Amazing album, but not for me.

Pity me, you idiots...:o
MAYH is also my least favorite Opeth. It's not a bad album - not that I'm being a fanboy or whatever - it's just subpar IMO. I love April Ethereal, Credence, and Demon, and small parts of the rest, but I normally can get into just about every single song completely with the band, and I can't with that album. It does have some of their best lyrics in parts though. I prefer Orchid (underrated), Morningrise, and Blackwater Park. After that Still Life and Damnation. Haven't yet heard Deliverance..