America under attack!



You know...when the world trade center was bombed in 1993 we gave a slap on the wrist because we didn't want to piss off the rest of the world.

After this catastrophy, once we find out who is responsible, we need to seriously retaliate. I'm sick of the liberal, feel good bullshit "more violence won't solve anything". It's time to fight back. It's looking like Ben Laudin is responsible. Afganistan hides him from us. If that's the case then Bush needs to wipe them off the map!

My condolences to anyone who may have family or friends involved in today's tragedy.
Originally posted by Unregistered
After this catastrophy, once we find out who is responsible, we need to seriously retaliate. I'm sick of the liberal, feel good bullshit "more violence won't solve anything". It's time to fight back.
The US are responsible.This attack WAS fighting back to the USA dynasty...and if there's someone who needs to be wiped off the map,then that's Bush.

wake up...
I'm in school right now and I am the registered user Ecstatic Youth, except I forgot my password, oh well. Anyway, i heard a whole crap load of stuff flyinga around school. I heard it was the palestinians or something and that there was going to be a holy war. that would be hella messed up, and needless to say, i got a megadeth song stuck in my head when i heard that one. I think it many just be a bunch of disgruntled americans getting revenge on the government. and you know what else is funny? this happened on the 11th day of the 9th month. 9-11....911. i don't think that has anything to do with any of this at all, but its just a little something.

people who say that violence never solved anything are wrong. look at all the wars! violence in the worst way! and it solved stuff. are fights still going on? no. violence does solve stuff. and the violence should be brought upon George Bush. He's dumber than a bag of hammers. and whether this tragedt has anything to do with him(which it does i'm sure in the aftermath of it all), he is still not a very good president. i don't know the whole story aout Bush becaus eI am a Canadian and i live in Canada, but i've heard enough to know he's not too good at what he does.

one more thing, this whole thing kind of reminds me of the ending of teh movie fight club. you know when all the buildings get blown up at the end and such to bring everything abck down to zero and everyone would all be equal. seems kind of like that. kind of.......... Well, that's my two cents for the time being.

we got out of class early so the teachers could have a staff meating and watch CNN! yay! less class = good!
Greece is nothing but a third-world shithole compared to the United States! We (U.S.) are not perfect, but we certainly don't condone this sort of terrorism. If you think this is acceptable then you are truly fucked!
Hey, Greek, I am an American of Greek descent. We are brothers and I understand that the United States has been unfair and killed many innocent people. And I know how we have unfairly sided with Turkey in the Cyprus deal.

Granted, by attaining democracy, the United States has fucked over a lot of countries, Greece included.

However, the United States has never, ever performed such a cowardly act as what occurred today. Never did the US focus so directly on innocent lives in this manner. There is no valid excuse for what was done.

Whoever did this made a mistake of worldly proportions because now our government has the excuse they have wanted and needed to load up on arms and really take over the world. If you think the US had power before, wait and see what happens next. I don't know who did this, but I assure you that it did not benefit them so much as it hurt their cause.

By the way, Ecstatic Youth, thanks for writing 9-11 because it's now the title of the metal epic I will write tonight.

...Don't ever piss off rednecks, they will give it all up for revenge.
Originally posted by Unregistered
Greece is nothing but a third-world shithole compared to the United States! We (U.S.) are not perfect, but we certainly don't condone this sort of terrorism. If you think this is acceptable then you are truly fucked!
What does Greece have to do with that?
BTWyou like it or not,the US are not much better than terrorists in many matters.Like not giving medicine to Iraq,so that children die.Is this better than terrorism?
Originally posted by GeniusGonInsane
However, the United States has never, ever performed such a cowardly act as what occurred today. Never did the US focus so directly on innocent lives in this manner. There is no valid excuse for what was done.
Cowardy?The people went down with the planes,they gave their LIVES,where's cowardy in that?On the other hand,I remember the US government throwing chemicals to Yugoslavia,and not at least going out and fight like men.This sounds more like cowardy to me...
Whoever did this made a mistake of worldly proportions because now our government has the excuse they have wanted and needed to load up on arms and really take over the world.
Whooo...sounds like the Pinky and the Brain to me...
Originally posted by GeniusGonInsane
Na re malaka!

What are you saying? How can you defend this action?! How can you call yourself a human being and see this bombing as a good thing? Please tell me how!
Please,show me where I said that this bombing is a good thing.
I suppose u will be glad to hear this dragonlord,,,Im trew with u dude. And u had the fucking nerve to say that shit about me...............
I'd be happier if you had answered my question.
I never said the bombing was good,of course it wasn't.I don't like it when innocents die.But you made it such a big deal,while in the meantime thousands are killed every day in Africa because of wars or lack of food.But today is such a sad day,a different day,because AMERICANS died.Why should we mourn only when TV wants us to?Because they surely don't show the wars in Africa.It's silly.And if you see my first post,you'll see that all I said was that,hey,it wasn't just the US sitting peacefully and some jerks threw planes on it,the USA have been playing with wars for their gain,so stop bitchin.If it's someone's fault,it's the US government's.Be sure that they have done far worse things than that over the years-and still are.
Everybody knows about the Bullshit that is happening in America right know. It's really FUCKED!!! But no matter were you live in this world, I think that everyone would agree that innocent people shouldn't die. I know that innocent people probably die everyday from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think we should be Bitching at each other about which country or goverment is to blame. This board and the internet is a place were people from around the world can talk and share information, whether we agree or disagree on certain topics. But putting down and insulting others countries and governments is not what its all about. This may piss some people off but , "you can't please everybody all the time, and only some people some of the time. ARE WORLD IS DECONSTRUCTION????!!!


ZANEX "THE DOG":confused: :heh:
There seems to be a lot of perpetual conflict on this board. Unfortuante, but interesting.

Dragonlord, yes people do die everyday and go unnoticed because they are from parts of the world where horror, poverty, and general misfortune are common. When Americans die, the US media is going to go infinately further to cover it. This is true, we all know it, it doesn't make these deaths any more or less significant. You seem perceptive enough to look at a larger picture in the face of tragedy, yet not enough to grasp basic human response and leave it be. Instead, you seem to insist upon passively berating people for mourning a time of crisis, which only serves to make you look like a heartless prick, I'm afraid.

Secondly, the significance of this event is not restricted simply to the brutal loss of human life. Although this overshadows any other immediate concern, if we continued to look at the big picture we'd see that the U.S. isn't going to stand for this and retaliatory action of some nature will be taken. The opinions of the rest of the world upon that action are going to go a long way to affect the current state of world peace and security. This event may very well entail more misfortune than the simple event itself. I also have to disagree with the Unregistered poster's "wipe them off the map" ideals, as this will only lead to greater conflict, as mentioned above.

Finally, dragonlord, you seem to openly percieve this event as justifiable because of your apparently quite biased perception of the history of U.S. actions in other world conflicts and crisises. Even if the U.S. is as guilty as you seem to think they are, does this "make up for it"? Is it "all better now"? I'll bet you believe in affirmative action, too, that simply forcing the tipping of scales can equalize past injustice. It's not that easy. And, on top of this, the United States has never engaged in an unwarned, unprovoked attack, purely and knowingly upon innocent civilians(you an argue this with Vietnam stories and Baghdad bombings if you like - there was never willing, unprovoked, and unwarned assaults against known civilians).

Sincere condolances to the family and friends of all those who needlessly died today.
:err: reminds me of some parts of future tense... what frightens me most is what this stupid imbecile idiot of a president thinks to be necessary to show the world that no one should fuck with america...
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
There seems to be a lot of perpetual conflict on this board. Unfortuante, but interesting.

Dragonlord, yes people do die everyday and go unnoticed because they are from parts of the world where horror, poverty, and general misfortune are common. When Americans die, the US media is going to go infinately further to cover it. This is true, we all know it, it doesn't make these deaths any more or less significant. You seem perceptive enough to look at a larger picture in the face of tragedy, yet not enough to grasp basic human response and leave it be. Instead, you seem to insist upon passively berating people for mourning a time of crisis, which only serves to make you look like a heartless prick, I'm afraid.
indeed...actually right now I'm listening to Dead Winter Dead and got the blues...war is always sad.
Secondly, the significance of this event is not restricted simply to the brutal loss of human life. Although this overshadows any other immediate concern, if we continued to look at the big picture we'd see that the U.S. isn't going to stand for this and retaliatory action of some nature will be taken. The opinions of the rest of the world upon that action are going to go a long way to affect the current state of world peace and security. This event may very well entail more misfortune than the simple event itself. I also have to disagree with the Unregistered poster's "wipe them off the map" ideals, as this will only lead to greater conflict, as mentioned above.

Finally, dragonlord, you seem to openly percieve this event as justifiable because of your apparently quite biased perception of the history of U.S. actions in other world conflicts and crisises. Even if the U.S. is as guilty as you seem to think they are, does this "make up for it"? Is it "all better now"? I'll bet you believe in affirmative action, too, that simply forcing the tipping of scales can equalize past injustice. It's not that easy. And, on top of this, the United States has never engaged in an unwarned, unprovoked attack, purely and knowingly upon innocent civilians(you an argue this with Vietnam stories and Baghdad bombings if you like - there was never willing, unprovoked, and unwarned assaults against known civilians).

Sincere condolances to the family and friends of all those who needlessly died today.
no,no,it's not all better at all.Please read carefully my comments,I never said anything like that...I just found provocative the comments like "it's time to fight back" or "now our government has the excuse they have wanted and needed to load up on arms and really take over the world".I only said that in a way,the US caused this with their attitude.If you want to rule the world,do it fairly.The US are ruling the world for their own gain...exploitation it's called.You can't act like that and expect nobody to react,right?

"Is this the answer to our prayers,
is this what God has sent?
Please,understand,this isn't what we meant..."