Amp Shootout Thrash (Marshall, Mesa, Peavey, Bogner, Krank, Engl, H&K..)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I just wanted to try my San Dimas Customshop, so I had to play some thrash....
this kinda turned into an amp shootout (not really under very serious conditiopns though).
Usually I'd use the marshall cab for these tones, but the Mesa was already miced and I couldn't be arsed fannying about with mics on the marshall...
The settings on the amps are rather generic and not matched to sound similar or so, so these tones is like a snapshot that just shows one possible tone from the amp...if you like ampA better than ampB it's totally possible that you'd think the opposite if the amps were tweaked take this one with a grain of salt.
Mics were 57+421 (the 421 between 6 and 11 dB lower in the mix)....
no post EQ of course

sorry for the sloppy playing especially in the second half, I just improvised that riff and wasn't really playing confidently (although it's not that difficult...I just didn't really know it when I played it)..should be good enough to judge the amps though

make sure to match volumes (!!!) as they're really different between the clips


Mesa Racktifier
Bogner Überschall
Peavey 5150
Engl Savage
Marshall 2203
Peavey JSX
Krank Krankenstein+
H&K Coreblade
those tones are awesome.

i cant really choose one XD i love them all
I think I like the Krank best. It and the Coreblade, and the 2203 have the tightest palm mutes. Really sucks it in. But the Krank is the best out of those 3, perhaps a tiny bit thin but hard to say in solo.
Bogner über alles!

Cool little "shoot out". Interesting to see how close the Coreblade comes to the Über, but the latter has beefier low-mids and not as much a piercing high-end. In these clips at least.

JSX, MK IV and Savage sound considerably more "muffled" and dark.

I think the one that stands out the most is the 5150.
thanks for the test lasse, there were some great tones included in this zip! I always find it very impressing that the difference isn't that big with the same guitar, same player on different amps. with some eq-shaping it's even less! the 2203 was the best imho, it's just made for thrash!
The Recto is by far the best for me, tight, brutal, balanced and fat, all at the same time. The Coreblade is worst, it's a harsh and fizzy mess.

5150, Ubershall and Krank come second, Savage JSX and MkIV third.

Thanks a lot Lasse, awesome shootout! :rock:
Curious about what a full mix would do with each tone but I actually liked the Coreblade the best. I noticed the fizz you mentioned Lasse but I'd like to think it wouldn't be annoying whilst amongst other instruments and may even provide a good bit of definition to help drive it in a mix.
Krank, Recto, and Bogner are the best sounding of these clips... in no particular order. 5150 is next.

coreblade has nasty high scrizz, and the savage surprisingly lacks definition. i dig the Marshall as well, just a tad on the thin side... but it would be great blended with a thicker, darker amp, like the Bogner.

JSX is not that unlike the Krank, just a bit darker. didn't fancy the break-up of the MKIV too much.