I just wanted to try my San Dimas Customshop, so I had to play some thrash....
this kinda turned into an amp shootout (not really under very serious conditiopns though).
Usually I'd use the marshall cab for these tones, but the Mesa was already miced and I couldn't be arsed fannying about with mics on the marshall...
The settings on the amps are rather generic and not matched to sound similar or so, so these tones is like a snapshot that just shows one possible tone from the amp...if you like ampA better than ampB it's totally possible that you'd think the opposite if the amps were tweaked differently...so take this one with a grain of salt.
Mics were 57+421 (the 421 between 6 and 11 dB lower in the mix)....
no post EQ of course
sorry for the sloppy playing especially in the second half, I just improvised that riff and wasn't really playing confidently (although it's not that difficult...I just didn't really know it when I played it)..should be good enough to judge the amps though
make sure to match volumes (!!!) as they're really different between the clips
Mesa Racktifier
Bogner Überschall
Peavey 5150
Engl Savage
Marshall 2203
Peavey JSX
Krank Krankenstein+
H&K Coreblade
this kinda turned into an amp shootout (not really under very serious conditiopns though).
Usually I'd use the marshall cab for these tones, but the Mesa was already miced and I couldn't be arsed fannying about with mics on the marshall...
The settings on the amps are rather generic and not matched to sound similar or so, so these tones is like a snapshot that just shows one possible tone from the amp...if you like ampA better than ampB it's totally possible that you'd think the opposite if the amps were tweaked differently...so take this one with a grain of salt.
Mics were 57+421 (the 421 between 6 and 11 dB lower in the mix)....
no post EQ of course
sorry for the sloppy playing especially in the second half, I just improvised that riff and wasn't really playing confidently (although it's not that difficult...I just didn't really know it when I played it)..should be good enough to judge the amps though
make sure to match volumes (!!!) as they're really different between the clips
Mesa Racktifier
Bogner Überschall
Peavey 5150
Engl Savage
Marshall 2203
Peavey JSX
Krank Krankenstein+
H&K Coreblade