Amp Spectrum Pack v1 (for Curve EQ)

So are we using impulses after the curve. Sansamp>curve>impulse correct? It seems like some sound better without an impulse. just a little fizzy which I can cut. Anyone else experience this?

impulses before curve eq. AMP>Impulse>CurveEQ.
anybody else having this problem with CurveEQ?:

I add it to my tracks and it works fine, but from time to time, it just mutes the track where it's applied to for 1 second or less. Does anybody has a solution?
It depends...
If the spectrum is captured from the preamp-out, then:
AMP>Curve EQ>Impulse

If the spectrum is captured from a miced cab, then:
AMP>Curve EQ (you should have really extreme Curve EQ settings)
or (better solution)
AMP>impulse>Curve EQ (in this case the Curve EQ settings would be less "drastic" than the previous one)

@Let it burn...: Curve EQ doesn't work in real time, if this is what you were talking about...
does anyone here need to reverse the captured spectrum in curveeq? If I don't it comes out really fizzy and scooped. Could someone do me a favor and post a screen shot of the curve eq spectrum on one of the ones from the spectrum pack? I'd really appreciate it.
I need reverse curve if I capture my sound first and match to file after.
ps. As I understand only Fireball preamp spectrums from this pack are suitable for inserting before impulses...
this is how i use it.

PODXT (Cab Sim Disable) > Impulse > Curve EQ.

This way works well for me.
I know how to capture the spectrum and everything. I play open chords, palm muting, leads, etc for about 20-30 seconds. I apply them after the impulses unless they are from the preamp section. It's just they sound way better when I reverse them. If anyone could post a picture of your captured spectrum i'd be greatfull. It's not really that i'm having trouble getting good sounds with the curve eq. I'm pretty happy with it, I am just curious if anyone else has to reverse the eq after they capture it.
Which curve eq are you using? If it's taken from a micked guitar tone or from one that was run trough an impulse you should place Curve eq after boogex.

I was doing that in the beginning but I must say... I've been getting awesome results running the spectrums BEFORE the impulse.:goggly:

I just load whatever .cqs, match the spectrum, do some 3 or 4 clicks attenuation and BAM! The results are fucking unbelievable.

I will post some comparison clips when I can logon to the FTP again.

I think I will stop micing the amps...:kickass:
It seems an interesting method to work with, altho the CurveEQ amp pack have been uploaded on sneap's ftp, can anyone upload a copy somewhere that is up and running ?