An idea...Forum Vocal Competition....(ignore this if your going to bash me)

Good or Bad Idea...

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OnceSealedInBlood said:
Yeah, my drum teacher says it comes naturally for me, but I need to learn the fundamentals still...Demons, where am I crying? If you didnt notice...that paragraph I wrote was pretty much telling you to piss off...So...Stop talking to and about me.... :confused: :confused: boo hoo...And like I said, double kick is for just that..kicks....It's intended for my enjoyment...and to play some crazy death metal with my friends...Death metal drumming beats are pretty easy just double kick while hitting the hi-hat and snare in different patterns and speeds...The hardest part is the fills and the change ups in the beats....

ok fine, you win.... i dont even care anyway.

..."fighting over the internet is a lot like running in the special olympics...even if you win, your still a retard..."
don't need a teacher? this is't drumline or some shit. If you wanna put down tabs to your beats to remember fills or practice drills, you need to be able to read music, which is easier to do if um, someone teaches you. Also, learning the basic rudiments and how to read them is fundamental to ever be a good drummer. Learning from someone better than you is something which makes you a much better player.
Finktron said:
don't need a teacher? this is't drumline or some shit. If you wanna put down tabs to your beats to remember fills or practice drills, you need to be able to read music, which is easier to do if um, someone teaches you. Also, learning the basic rudiments and how to read them is fundamental to ever be a good drummer. Learning from someone better than you is something which makes you a much better player.
I never said you don't need a teacher, it for sure is a good thing to start out with one. Luckily when I started a friend was willing to teach me for really cheap, and it anyways was way more fun that way. He could also play the guitar, so we usually played together when I started getting better.
víkingr said:
I never said you don't need a teacher, it for sure is a good thing to start out with one. Luckily when I started a friend was willing to teach me for really cheap, and it anyways was way more fun that way. He could also play the guitar, so we usually played together when I started getting better.

Wasn't aimed at you, was aimed at 666.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
ya i know.... =\

need a teacher to transcribe tabs???? holy shit i dont even play drums and i can tab out drums fucking easily. you must be a fucking moron.

That wasn't strictly about metal tabs, that holds to marching band and any reading of any piece. There are alot of time signatures and knowing what time signature and (if you play timpani in a real concert band, symphony etc.) if its bass clef or not. Being able to read is very important if you are a drummer, and you won't always see 2/4 or 4/4 written on a piece.
Finktron said:
That wasn't strictly about metal tabs, that holds to marching band and any reading of any piece. There are alot of time signatures and knowing what time signature and (if you play timpani in a real concert band, symphony etc.) if its bass clef or not. Being able to read is very important if you are a drummer, and you won't always see 2/4 or 4/4 written on a piece.

i agree. i played in marching band for 3 years and there are a lot of time signatures to know. I hated the weird ones like 6/8 or 3/8 and then switching to 4/4 or 3/4.
Kid you know it's only a nickname, I'm not even really into the Vikings, because it's all history, unlike you who probably think you're fighting a battle long over :).
It's just the best thing that came to my mind when signing up here. Judging by your nickname you must be 13, showing your affection for the band by calling yourself like one of their songs. Like the kids over at the Britney Spears or whatever forum. I'm sure you're one of those who goes and asks the bandmembers for autographs and totally starts screaming and passing out when seeing them :).
its only cool to ask band guys for autographs when you get something of theres that they threw into the crowd and you ask them later to sign it. u know? like when i last saw aa fred threw his stick out and i got it so later i asked him to sign it when i finaly found a fucking sharpie. but thats the only one i ever got though... except the bassist from origin who was just begging to have someone get one from him so.... w/e. but yeah fred is cool. but just walking up to the guy and saying "sign this.... cocktail napkin" is realy lame and stupid. wtf you gonna do with a signed napkin? wipe your ass with it? =\
Pff I see these people as normal people and wouldn't know what I need an autograph of them for, they're just someone like you and me. And I'd anyway just throw it into my house somewhere and probably never find it. That's why I usually give the sticks I catch to my friends, it makes them happy so it's fine for me.
It's like when we went to the Finntroll concert about a year ago and we took this guy with us who went to his first concert. He went and asked the supporting acts for photos and autographs etc and the supporting acts were The Wake(honestly had never heard of 'em before) and Ensiferum with the terrible Norther singer.
Only one I ever wanted an autograph from would be Chuck Schuldiner and I missed my chance on that one and now he's dead , so I guess I can forget that one.
víkingr said:
Kid you know it's only a nickname, I'm not even really into the Vikings, because it's all history, unlike you who probably think you're fighting a battle long over :).
It's just the best thing that came to my mind when signing up here. Judging by your nickname you must be 13, showing your affection for the band by calling yourself like one of their songs. Like the kids over at the Britney Spears or whatever forum. I'm sure you're one of those who goes and asks the bandmembers for autographs and totally starts screaming and passing out when seeing them :).

Oh fuck, what am I going to say now? You figured my true identity out (how can you know so much about me? Are you psychic?); Can I go on on this forum ant longer? :ill:
Anyway how old are you? By all the wisdom that you possess you must be well over 50.
Yeah now you know what I go through before replying to every post you make. But I'll go back to ignoring you now, because lets face it, it won't lead to anything.
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