An idea...Forum Vocal Competition....(ignore this if your going to bash me)

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OnceSealedInBlood said:
you have got to be shitting me...nicholas barker is godly on the drums...and since when does being metal include having to spend another 3-4 hundred dollars for a new drum, when a $200 pedal can give me similar only using the pedal to learn on...if i get good, then hell yes, i will buy like a fucking tama pro star set with 6 mounted toms, 2 floor toms, and the 2 base drums along with like 10 symbols...but im learning to drum...i dont see the problem with the pedal...the only reason im getting the pedal is to play with my band for drum teacher hasnt started teaching me double kick stuff...and by the way, do any of you guys actually play the drums? because if you dont, shutup....

I have been playing for 8+ years, but I play alot less on the set and alot more on just marching snare getting ready for college marching band. I have played gigs for money, none involving metal though, all were for jazz except one which was this real cool fusion band. I prefer playing that to metal honestly, alot more fun and challenging. Listening wise though it is metal all the way.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
probably because you still suck with just one pedal and doesnt want to listen to your suck ass sucking it up on two suck pedals.

fuck you...and seeing how ive only been playing for just over a month, and how his own drum set isnt equipped with a double kick pedal...i geuss it is partially that I still have a lot to learn with the single pedal..but like I said...the double fucking kick is for fun, so just leave it the fuck alone...move onto a new topic and find something else to do other than follow me around the forum and turn everything I say into a little fucking internet fight..."fighting over the internet is a lot like running in the special olympics...even if you win, your still a retard..."
Pff theres no big in difficulty playing with one base or two bases, it's just a bit a different feeling. Anyway I think half the people here don't even know what double kick pedals are, because it's not cheating. I think many drummers who can't afford to buy a second bass just buy double kick pedals. It's not like you kick once and it then makes two hits on the base. It's just two pedals playing on one bass, so you're still using both legs. The only shittie thing about playing double kick is, that the left pedal makes a bit of delay when going over to the bass, because it needs the rail, so that might be a bit a strange feeling at first. Anyway I started out playing that way when I didn't have my own set yet and was still experimenting. After that I bought my own set with two basses.
And I don't quite get why you have to bash oncesealedinblood all the time. Is it because he doesn't have so much knowledge on everything yet? Because I am sure that when you started in Metal you were exactly same. I mean when I was like 12 or 13 and went to concerts I also didnt have so much knowledge, but the people still were friendly to me and with time I learnt everything. And Im sure half you oh so super cool Metalheads haven't been into Metal for longer than 2 years.
víkingr said:
Pff theres no big in difficulty playing with one base or two bases, it's just a bit a different feeling. Anyway I think half the people here don't even know what double kick pedals are, because it's not cheating. I think many drummers who can't afford to buy a second bass just buy double kick pedals. It's not like you kick once and it then makes two hits on the base. It's just two pedals playing on one bass, so you're still using both legs. The only shittie thing about playing double kick is, that the left pedal makes a bit of delay when going over to the bass, because it needs the rail, so that might be a bit a strange feeling at first. Anyway I started out playing that way when I didn't have my own set yet and was still experimenting. After that I bought my own set with two basses.
And I don't quite get why you have to bash oncesealedinblood all the time. Is it because he doesn't have so much knowledge on everything yet? Because I am sure that when you started in Metal you were exactly same. I mean when I was like 12 or 13 and went to concerts I also didnt have so much knowledge, but the people still were friendly to me and with time I learnt everything. And Im sure half you oh so super cool Metalheads haven't been into Metal for longer than 2 years.

See....same story as me...thank you kind sir
víkingr said:
Pff theres no big in difficulty playing with one base or two bases, it's just a bit a different feeling. Anyway I think half the people here don't even know what double kick pedals are, because it's not cheating. I think many drummers who can't afford to buy a second bass just buy double kick pedals. It's not like you kick once and it then makes two hits on the base. It's just two pedals playing on one bass, so you're still using both legs. The only shittie thing about playing double kick is, that the left pedal makes a bit of delay when going over to the bass, because it needs the rail, so that might be a bit a strange feeling at first. Anyway I started out playing that way when I didn't have my own set yet and was still experimenting. After that I bought my own set with two basses.
And I don't quite get why you have to bash oncesealedinblood all the time. Is it because he doesn't have so much knowledge on everything yet? Because I am sure that when you started in Metal you were exactly same. I mean when I was like 12 or 13 and went to concerts I also didnt have so much knowledge, but the people still were friendly to me and with time I learnt everything. And Im sure half you oh so super cool Metalheads haven't been into Metal for longer than 2 years.

I know what a double kick is and how it is used. I have an iron cobra double kick that was quite expensive, which sucks because I use it rarely anyway. I am not picking on oncesealed, I am saying that as a beggining drummer, worrying about double bass is silly and would most likely impede his learning as a drummer. At that stage you should be worrying about learning rudiments and stuff from your drum teacher, he can tell you better than anyone online what you should or shouldn't be doing. I still take lessons and I have been playin 8 years or so now. If I had any advice to give you it is that you aren't even too good for lessons because there are always people out there better than you. And no, I haven't in fact been listening to metal for more than two years, I have only known about Amon Amarth for about 6 months or so now. Anyway, good luck with you band oncesealed, getting together with people and making music is about the most rich and rewarding thing you can do, and it is hella fun too.
Yes actually I didn't mean you with that comment, I mean a fellow drummer should actually know what it is right ;) And I agree with you that you shouldn't start with doublebass. I didn't even start out playing Metal, but rather Jazz and Punk and only after a few years when I started using the doublebass did I start playing Metal. But they were bashing him for cheating with double kick pedals, and I don't see what would be cheating about it, because it's just a way of playing doublebass without buying a second bass and without using up as much space(that was always my prob ^^).
víkingr said:
Yes actually I didn't mean you with that comment, I mean a fellow drummer should actually know what it is right ;) And I agree with you that you shouldn't start with doublebass. I didn't even start out playing Metal, but rather Jazz and Punk and only after a few years when I started using the doublebass did I start playing Metal. But they were bashing him for cheating with double kick pedals, and I don't see what would be cheating about it, because it's just a way of playing doublebass without buying a second bass and without using up as much space(that was always my prob ^^).

Hah my problem has always been money. I have had the same set for all the years of my playing. I have had enough to buy boom stands and new heads, that is about it. Still just one crash, two ride, hi hat and snare, bass, floor tom and two other tom-tom dealies. They are pretty well worn in, which isn't terrible, but I have never had enough for an entire new bass drum, and even my double kick pedal put me broke for months (no job due to school, sports, college stuff and family issues). Anyway, I did say earlier it was cheatin but I was just givin him a bit of a hard time. Didn't mean ta upset him or whatnot. Keep rockin out, fellow drummers :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Babydollcybergoth said:
save your pennies and go to wacken at some point... i went last year with a friend and we also went to party san... it's so damn good... 3 solid days of metal per festival... ***drool***

Very cool!! I went to Wacken, Party San and Summer Breeze last year. It was the best time of my life. I am going to Wacken and Party San again this year. What about you?
Babydollcybergoth said:
why is that? 2 guys in germany stopped me and took my picture 'cause i'm asian... what is the fascination??

It goes the other way too. I travel alot all over Asia and I get stared at alot, and people will come up to me alot too because I am white and 6'3". And they all want to take a picture with me. It happens more in places where they do not see alot of foreigners like rural areas of China, but it happens even in the big cities like Beijing. But it does not bother me.
kupshi said:
It goes the other way too. I travel alot all over Asia and I get stared at alot, and people will come up to me alot too because I am white and 6'3". And they all want to take a picture with me. It happens more in places where they do not see alot of foreigners like rural areas of China, but it happens even in the big cities like Beijing. But it does not bother me.

you must have grown 3" in last 12 months then ;)
kupshi said:
Very cool!! I went to Wacken, Party San and Summer Breeze last year. It was the best time of my life. I am going to Wacken and Party San again this year. What about you?

i'm going to wacken, party san and summer breeze this year... woo...
look for the tigger backpack...
someone took a couple pictures of me and my friend at party san last year... it's on their site...
kupshi said:
It goes the other way too. I travel alot all over Asia and I get stared at alot, and people will come up to me alot too because I am white and 6'3". And they all want to take a picture with me. It happens more in places where they do not see alot of foreigners like rural areas of China, but it happens even in the big cities like Beijing. But it does not bother me.

i know what you mean... when i see a tall white guy i'm still all sorts of drooling... and i grew up in canada...
víkingr said:
Pff theres no big in difficulty playing with one base or two bases, it's just a bit a different feeling. Anyway I think half the people here don't even know what double kick pedals are, because it's not cheating. I think many drummers who can't afford to buy a second bass just buy double kick pedals. It's not like you kick once and it then makes two hits on the base. It's just two pedals playing on one bass, so you're still using both legs. The only shittie thing about playing double kick is, that the left pedal makes a bit of delay when going over to the bass, because it needs the rail, so that might be a bit a strange feeling at first. Anyway I started out playing that way when I didn't have my own set yet and was still experimenting. After that I bought my own set with two basses.
And I don't quite get why you have to bash oncesealedinblood all the time. Is it because he doesn't have so much knowledge on everything yet? Because I am sure that when you started in Metal you were exactly same. I mean when I was like 12 or 13 and went to concerts I also didnt have so much knowledge, but the people still were friendly to me and with time I learnt everything. And Im sure half you oh so super cool Metalheads haven't been into Metal for longer than 2 years.

pffft i was picking on him because this forum is realy boring for the past like..... year and im just being an asshole because i think its funny. if he wants to sit home cry and take something someone says online who he doesnt even know than thats his problem. but realy though.... if you have only been playing drums for a month.... double kick already???? bull fucking shit. not gonna get anywhere like that. gonna be too amped up about trying to use it and have no idea how to even use one of em yet. and realy... if you need a drum teacher..... you must not have rythm in the first place... drumming is something that should come natural to someone for them to be any good. but on the other hand the best way to learn how to play any instrument is to start a band... atleast he has that part down already.... =\
Babydollcybergoth said:
i'm going to wacken, party san and summer breeze this year... woo...
look for the tigger backpack...
someone took a couple pictures of me and my friend at party san last year... it's on their site...

Cool, I'll keep an eye out for you.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
pffft i was picking on him because this forum is realy boring for the past like..... year and im just being an asshole because i think its funny. if he wants to sit home cry and take something someone says online who he doesnt even know than thats his problem. but realy though.... if you have only been playing drums for a month.... double kick already???? bull fucking shit. not gonna get anywhere like that. gonna be too amped up about trying to use it and have no idea how to even use one of em yet. and realy... if you need a drum teacher..... you must not have rythm in the first place... drumming is something that should come natural to someone for them to be any good. but on the other hand the best way to learn how to play any instrument is to start a band... atleast he has that part down already.... =\

Yeah, my drum teacher says it comes naturally for me, but I need to learn the fundamentals still...Demons, where am I crying? If you didnt notice...that paragraph I wrote was pretty much telling you to piss off...So...Stop talking to and about me.... :confused: :confused: boo hoo...And like I said, double kick is for just that..kicks....It's intended for my enjoyment...and to play some crazy death metal with my friends...Death metal drumming beats are pretty easy just double kick while hitting the hi-hat and snare in different patterns and speeds...The hardest part is the fills and the change ups in the beats....
I totally agree with you. Death Metal drumming is so basic and the only hard part is really to get the speed with the doublebass. The only deathmetal band I know, with which I have trouble playing the songs, is Death and it's because their drumming was so technical. And well anyway Death is and has been my fav band for so long now.
Well anyway if you're ever looking for some really good and technical drumming once you get better, try something like Blind Guardian, Thomen was really a great drummer with them. Very technical playing with his hands and doublebass bursts in between. But I really advise you not to start out with Metal, so many drummers start out with doublebass and it pretty much is all they can do, I mean that's probably why deathmetal drumming is so sucky. I started with Jazz and Punk and simple Rock n' Roll, just get a loud cd player, put your headset on, blast it and play to it, with time you'll start hearing what you need to play and you'll become really good. I hate everyone always saying how good deathmetal and grindcore drummers are, because most of them are just doublebass and nothing more (Of course that is excluding Every drummer Death ever had and Pete Sandoval of Morbid Angel ;) ), Pure Heavy Metal, Power Metal and Thrash Metal have some great drummers tho, Thomen Stauch ex Blind Guardian and now Savage Circus and Dave Lombardo of Slayer are great examples for that.
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