Anathema - not metal

Originally posted by cedarbreed
P.S : seems your cock has been hard and erected for several days now , i suggest you see a doctor or have a good wank in the school's bog !
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by leper iffinity
Ivo my avatar owns your piece of fucking goth rock fairy.....(here we go again :lol: ) [/QUO
you go too fucking far....go back in opethian land where the rivers
of wisdom flow
fucking filthy thanks mate, lol my school is so poor as...they hire students to clean it...POOR

and by the way....'gothic mind', you are the biggest goth rock fairy of them all, and erm.....i dont go on the opeth board.

look dude, it seems noone knows something funny anymore to reply... you better cut it off and make some fun/decent talking in other threads :)