Anathema - not metal

Originally posted by leper iffinity
i dont understand your fucking useless language. speak English!

Another proof that you're a fucking elistist English Prick

Suce ma bite ouais ouais grosse pute ! Suce la bien a fond, je te lime la gorge et te jute dans l'oesophage vieille sarce !


No, Don't think i meant there was a connection between English and elistist prick in my statement.
It was just an estbalishment of fact: He's English and he's an eletist cunt but there is no link between the two. I wouldnt dare !! too many Englsih people here :D
On the other hand I think it has a link with the fact he's an Opeth fan :lol:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
but i see a gradual decline in the number of users, sol, right?

so what? we have good fun, right? to tell you the truth if it was too crowded like the opeth board we wouldn't have the chance to fuck around so much, talk about anything at any time, you know... i have no problem at all. :)
lol im here boyths!, im 16 so i have to go into school and study a level music.....and continue on my guitar lessons even though i have passed grade 8 and also passed grade 8 theory..WHATSR THAT/?!?!..I OWN YOU?!?!?!


p.s. my cock is still hard for you and also i never go on the opeth board, nothing ever happens on there, on here at least you all have a laugh...even though there only seems to be about 5 people on this entire anathema forum that just post over and over again....
Greatttttt he's backkkkk :rolleyes: !!!!!

I knew you were 16 ... and if you're not , that's the age you really seem to be :lol:
And i dont think anyone gives a shit about your musical level ...
graduate as much as you want it isnt what matters in the end ...

cheers haha !

P.S : seems your cock has been hard and erected for several days now , i suggest you see a doctor or have a good wank in the school's bog !