Anathema - not metal

Originally posted by leper iffinity
ive never heard it....all the anathema i have is more like....i dunno.....rock?, all clean vox, very calming music.

Going by this philosphy, you're saying Opeth aren't metal. Also, not all of Anathema's songs are relaxing. Hell, only one of their songs is half-relaxing.
I reckon Leper Ifinity or whatever his name ... is a prick ...
i thought he could understand humour but now it's ovious :
another elitist stpuid metalhead fucker...

Leper ??? YOU are gay !!

Still I'm not angry of course :D
Just because it is not metal, does not make it bad. Their older stuff is really heavy,and I like it. Their newer stuff is softer,and I like it.

I still think Opeth is better,but who am I to judge? This is a Anathema board, where Anathema discussion goes on. So, why should you or anybody else want to interfer witht he good clean fun, son?

And, as you can tell, I love slower music, like Nightingale, Amorphis and Anathema........ Sue me......
Who cares what Anathema is? All I care about is the great music they make. They transcend boundaries. They create a style of music that can appeal to all sorts of listeners, metalhead or non-metalhead.
i think that anathema has nothing to do with "gothic rock" whatsoever...
anathema are the greatest gothic rock band in the whole wide world...ever. I love gothic rock. I love is this leppard infinity guy. I love you all.
Originally posted by Bambi
anathema are the greatest gothic rock band in the whole wide world...ever. I love gothic rock. I love is this leppard infinity guy. I love you all.

me too.
I love u Bambi.
Will you marry me ?
We could make threesomes with Moody !
yes we are gothic rock and thats why i always wear big frilly shirts and make up at every gig, i hang aroud back stage cos i am too cool to meet people on a proper level.i only ever listen to the first sisters album and i'm really elitist about people who are the same as i was 3 years ago.

leper iffinity..i'd tell you to fuck off back to the opeless forum but its funny watching you get angry.
lol @ Opeless

"i have other things to angry about, not a load of goth rock fans, "

I'm sure you the fact the good lord did'nt give you the requisite amount of brains to come up with a witty riposte, maybe even god does'nt like you mate. I don't blame him :lol:
Originally posted by Andy_2003
I've heard the Anathema of today being described as progressive rock

even a worser decription as gothic rock :eek:
nah if you really want to label them i would go for 'Psycho Brutal Puff Rock'