Anathema unplugged in Vienna?

ADO if it isn't you i apologise....

whoever it is you are a weak minded internet coward with apparently nothing better to offer the world than being a shit to people behind their back through anonymous internetting

big man you are

its nice to be nice
i didnt start it you know.. i just got angry because of all the stuff you keep typing here... i have gone too far by swearing and i am sorry for that
i have never had a problem with you but i sometimes wish people would stop behaving like this in this forum

i aint no big man by the way, just an ordinary git
pagan2002 said:
ADO if it isn't you i apologise....

whoever it is you are a weak minded internet coward with nothing better to offer the world than being a shit to people behind their back through anonymous internetting

big man you are

i doubt this is Ado...this cant be him. he doesnt hide like this coward tho. :tickled:
i would be well glad if it isnt ado cos i was looking forward to a night on the guinness. this anonymous insulting is just bad energy though, total bollocks and i am sick of it
ah shit now i have got into an internet argument that i can't be arsed with. i dont like falling out with people if i can help it... but negativity does breed itself and maybe thats what heppened here
pagan2002 said:
ah shit now i have got into an internet argument that i can't be arsed with. i dont like falling out with people if i can help it... but negativity does breed itself and maybe thats what heppened here
Bastet said:
Thanks for the offer maqus, sounds very tempting! i wish i could :erk:

Why couldn't you? You could bring along the jolly joker, that would make it a quality fun night out ;)
Suuuure, and we could meet the Loona-gang too, teenagers against oldies, who's better at the art of anathemongery?
just to say that I don't have much friends who like the same music as I do (eg Anathema), and some of this few just won't come neither, so pls create some strategy that deals with the fact that I'm all alone :(