Anathema unplugged in Vienna?

Well, I'm afraid no fight for you tonight, and we'll assign Loona an honorary "oldie" title.

Bastet, I did mean the invitation, seriously. All female company (I guess jolly joker wouldn't come anyway :D ), it must be but nice :Spin:

If only the Cavanaghs brought a third party with them, then we shouldn't go frowning at each other who gets which brother, and which one of us should stay single for the night.

Maqus said:
Well, I'm afraid no fight for you tonight, and we'll assign Loona an honorary "oldie" title.

Bastet, I did mean the invitation, seriously. All female company (I guess jolly joker wouldn't come anyway :D ), it must be but nice :Spin: .
i really appreciate the offer :) pity i can't come....

Maqus said:
If only the Cavanaghs brought a third party with them, then we shouldn't go frowning at each other who gets which brother, and which one of us should stay single for the night.
aah, i see the i'll leave the 2 brothers to you both...let me know the outcome will you :D
Bastet said:
i really appreciate the offer :) pity i can't come....

aah, i see the i'll leave the 2 brothers to you both...let me know the outcome will you :D

oh oh the 2 brothers all to myself :blush: EGG-ayss-shay-ged-rreh! :tickled:
hmmm whoevers doing the maqus imping should at least try to keep up with the originals avatar. :Smug:
You just dont get the same class of trollin these days, these kids dont take no PRIDE in their work anymore
hm, ok about the quiz, look I go offline for less than 2 weeks and everything seems totally different...

and about the pic, well, I've been to Eger quite long ago, need to check that ;)
by the way, who and where found this blehh pic -.-
i don't know if the whole list has been posted already..

3rd December - Auditório do Instituto Português da Juventude, Lisbon, Portugal*
4th December - Auditório do Instituto Português da Juventude, Lisbon, Portugal
10th December - The Note, Timisoara, Romania
12th December - Transilvania, Milano, Italy
17th December - Marco Polo Club, Budapest, Hungary
18th December - FEK, Békéscsaba, Hungary
19th December - Planet Music, Vienna, Austria