Language enthusiast
Cool, that means I have to be Wageningen then
. Come to think of it, maybe I'm not in the country around that time.. well, let's see.

but it WAS though?Cerulean said:And some of these people don't seem to understand anything, especially if they think Pulled Under was the best song of their recent albums :Smug:
Miles Behind said:Hullo fellow Anathema fans!!!when is Alternative 4 to be released?
m0rtis said:in 1998
Juniper said:It makes me so freakin mad to think about the way this musicindustry is today... Stuff that you can hardly describe as music (pusy cat dolls etc) is on the radio and on the tv ALL the time...
And true music , such little masterpieces as "Are You There" (Iv cried several times to that song it's so so so wonderfull, absolutely takes you away to a shadowy world and spirits and.. ok sorry drifting of here) are never heard except for some people that search hard enough to find good music.. And even for those its hard to find it.
Seriously it's just maddening.. I can only imagine how Anathema themselves feel...