and you thought your parents were mean?

Man, thats messed up.....
Like; I get kids need to be tough and crap but like; from you're own parents?
Shoot thats what drives people to do crazy crap, I think. Thats so incredibly messed up, he definitely doesnt feel like he's loved by his parents after that.. thats just cruel man.. I mean fine, don't get him an xbox box but ftlog dont trick him into thinking he's getting one.. messed up.
I laughed so hard, then afterwards I just felt plain bad. Maybe they were messing with him even further and he did end up getting one later on. It is just that we can only see this video and maybe they just emptied the system out and hooked it up in another room as a surprise while playing this little teasing trick beforehand. Oh well, can't help but have hope for the kid...