Anthrax Street Team

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It would be fucking sweet if you would put this in your signature. Especially if you post on other band's forums. :grin:

Here's a new signature.


We are having a contest.

1. Go out there and use the fliers for Worship Music: Give some to your local CD store and/or hand them out at a concert. (I used the black and white handbill with 4 fliers per page. It was cheaper that way.)
2. BE COOL. Be polite. If a CD store doesn't want to use the fliers, thank them anyway and move on. :)
3. Email me ( pictures or video of you street teaming. Just some visual proof that you put the fliers to use. Please email me before 9/13! Please be sure to include your first and last name when you email me!
4. I will l draw names and one of you will win something special... a signed vinyl of Worship Music perhaps?

If you have any questions, email me.

Thanks! Good luck!

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