ANTHRAX turn down OZZFEST to...

Wow, why is it that the only posts on the Milano board that get ANY attention are about Anthrax, which then turn into a high school cheerleader bitch fest.
It's highly humorous how some members here can't argue worth shit and starts childish name calling such as calling others "gay".

"Uh oh. He got us there. I know, let's call them 'gay' because it's our last resort."
Arch said:
It's highly humorous how some members here can't argue worth shit and starts childish name calling such as calling others "gay".

"Uh oh. He got us there. I know, let's call them 'gay' because it's our last resort."

...but that'll always happen; it's his message board!
Arch said:
It's highly humorous how some members here can't argue worth shit and starts childish name calling such as calling others "gay".

"Uh oh. He got us there. I know, let's call them 'gay' because it's our last resort."
Check out my new sig.... he brought that shit on himself...:lol:
Arch said:
It's highly humorous how some members here can't argue worth shit and starts childish name calling such as calling others "gay".
And it is hella-funny when some dick puts himself in a situation where he says

AjDeath said:
@OSH - The chances of me being gay are about as good as the chances of you having a hot wife.
My wife is hot, so he must be gay...not my fault he cant deal with it...

Arch said:
"Uh oh. He got us there. I know, let's call them 'gay' because it's our last resort."
I could have called him a pole smoking faggot...

Archie the reason most people here dislikes you is because your a snobby little dick, not calling you names dude, just letting you know what my impression is of you, the whole proof reading posts, acting like your smarter than everyone else, people dont like that, your no better than anyone else on this planet. OK dude?
Im willing to let this shit go cause frankly, your no fun to play with anymore...
@OSH: Not to sound like a little kid, but you're the one that started this stupid thing. Got it? Let me repeat that, you started it. And what's wrong with acting like I'm smarter than some of you people just because you guys say idiotic things? Have I started threads over here saying that so-and-so German band should all die because the band dislikes America? [For your information, the singer of Kreator hates Bush, not America. And it's no reason to wish death upon them and other German bands.] It puzzles me (and also amuses) me a lot that you guys support some dumbfuck saying retarded bullshit like that, yet you can't stand the fact I corrected your atrocious grammar/spelling errors. You live in the United States, probably the best country in the world for education, and yet you can't type worth shit? Shame on you. You are pathetic. This is (and other many other reasons) why people from countries laugh at us. Go learn English, you asinine piece of shit. And by the way, it's spelled "you're" not "your."
Arch said:
@OSH: Not to sound like a little kid, but you're the one that started this stupid thing. Got it? Let me repeat that, you started it.
And I was being man enough to say I would let it go, but dont think Im going to say I am sorry...

Arch said:
And what's wrong with acting like I'm smarter than some of you people just because you guys say idiotic things? Have I started threads over here saying that so-and-so German band should all die because the band dislikes America? [For your information, the singer of Kreator hates Bush, not America. And it's no reason to wish death upon them and other German bands.]..
I never said one bad thing about Kreator, I like Kreator, I dont care if they hate Bush, I never said all german bands should die. Just to set the record straight, I dont agree with Billy Milano about everything, He was wrong to come out and talk the shit he did about Anthrax fans, (seeing how most Anthrax fans are SOD/MOD fans to) Shit, I dont even think he likes me all that much , but I dont care . I come here to talk and be silly with some of the coolest mother fuckers here, TMan , Johnieczech,MyHatredforyourunsdeep,Oblivious Maximus,BoboC and the rest of the "regulars" here everyday. I guess Im guilty by association by posting on Billys board

Arch said:
It puzzles me (and also amuses) me a lot that you guys support some dumbfuck saying retarded bullshit like that, yet you can't stand the fact I corrected your atrocious grammar/spelling errors..
I really dont care if you correct my grammar, it just shows everyone here what a 25 year old anal retentive asshole is.

Arch said:
You live in the United States, probably the best country in the world for education, and yet you can't type worth shit? Shame on you. You are pathetic. This is (and other many other reasons) why people from countries laugh at us. Go learn English, you asinine piece of shit. And by the way, it's spelled "you're" not "your."
OK Arch, heres a history lesson for ya.I started kindergarden in 1977, and from `77-`85 I dont remember any typing classes being available to students... anywhere.and in high school I remember hearing about computers and how they were going to revolutionize communications in the world with this thing called "The Internet", and most schools in the US didnt have computers for learning(So I was forced to do shop class). They had them for record keeping and such but not for students use. I graduated in 1990, and they still didnt have computers. Computers became affordable for schools in the late 90`s. but most schools didnt have internet access.
2000 the internet got big and people where buying computers and dealing with this thing called "Dial up".
In the next 5 years everyone is using computers at home and for work, I have only had this computer for about 3 years now, and I think I am getting along pretty well, and Im pretty sure that the most of the "older crowd" here on UM would say they had same or a little more exspeariance than I do....

Arch I said I would let it go, grow the fuck up be a man dude....
old school headbanger said:
I really dont care if you correct my grammar, it just shows everyone here what a 25 year old anal retentive asshole is.
If you really don't care if I corrected your grammar, you wouldn't have responded to my corrections and you would let it go. You are a hypocrite.

OK Arch, heres a history lesson for ya.I started kindergarden in 1977, and from `77-`85 I dont remember any typing classes being available to students... anywhere.and in high school I remember hearing about computers and how they were going to revolutionize communications in the world with this thing called "The Internet", and most schools in the US didnt have computers for learning(So I was forced to do shop class). They had them for record keeping and such but not for students use. I graduated in 1990, and they still didnt have computers. Computers became affordable for schools in the late 90`s. but most schools didnt have internet access.
2000 the internet got big and people where buying computers and dealing with this thing called "Dial up".
In the next 5 years everyone is using computers at home and for work, I have only had this computer for about 3 years now, and I think I am getting along pretty well, and Im pretty sure that the most of the "older crowd" here on UM would say they had same or a little more exspeariance than I do....

Arch I said I would let it go, grow the fuck up be a man dude....
I didn't ask for your bio on your life with computers. Being literate in the English language means knowing the difference between "you're" and "your" and being able to spell things properly, regardless if it's on a computer or writing it on a piece of paper.
Arch said:
If you really don't care if I corrected your grammar, you wouldn't have responded to my corrections and you would let it go. You are a hypocrite.

I didn't ask for your bio on your life with computers. Being literate in the English language means knowing the difference between "you're" and "your" and being able to spell things properly, regardless if it's on a computer or writing it on a piece of paper.

GOD YOUR SO COOL!!!!1!!!1!1!!!............... Your a hero to geeks and dorks everywhere.......................
It's amazing how some of the people here have an obsession with homosexuality.
I still got to get my 8 year old to help me on this dam thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never get when these fuck wit kids who have proberly never done a hard day's graft in there life alway's resort to 'well you re-sponded to MY post shit'GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!! JOIN THE ARMY OR SOMETHING and do something decent with you life,


Nik #73

old school headbanger said:
and Im pretty sure that the most of the "older crowd" here on UM would say they had same or a little more exspeariance than I do....

Arch I said I would let it go, grow the fuck up be a man dude....
old school headbanger said:
Yeah................. Damn that Ross dude.

old school headbanger *thinks* Maybe if I put lots of full stops between my magically becomes funny!

No. But it's not offensive either. If you really want to think of me as gay, go ahead. Get the hot oil out, see if I care!

Ya fud.