Antimatter accoustic

Ey my dad asks if you'll play some Pink Floyd song(s) in Gent :rolleyes: He would definately come with me than.
Anyway, even if you were covering the Backstreet Boys you won't stop me cuz I'm coming, that's for sure!!!
I'd like to say hallo to you guys then, but my English is F-U-C-K-E-D :cry:
Originally posted by Diabolicum
Oh... damn, me and English... Bad combination, will never work :cry: I don't know what buskers means

Something I was wondering: is it coincedence (hell I don't know how to write that word) that I recognize some parts of Lost Control and A Dying Wish in Going Nowhere?

Buskers are those scruffy people on the street who play popular songs for a hat full of cents.

Do you think I cant recognise my own music:confused:
I dont understand why people ask this:cry: