Ants in my kitchen


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
My retarded roomate had left some food on the kitchen for a couple of days, and there's ants all over the place. I'm fucken pissed. I chopped some antz heads, and burned some others with a lighter but it's not a very time-effective method. Anyone has a better approach/poison you'd like to reccomend. Where are the Krauts when you need them?
If I'm not mistaken ants are drawn to sugar (??) so perhaps try and pour some sugar on a tissue or something; let them crawl up there and bag em up? An idea at least :)
Treachery, I like that. I'll try it, but I think I need Zyklon B or something.
If I remember correctly, one of my friend's parents put salt on the counter once to get rid of ants. They will ingest it making their insides explode. ;)

If that doesn't work, you can pour gasoline everywhere. They will surely die from the fumes.
Sugar, salt... I'm just waiting for the next dude to say give 'em beer. I need poison people, and something highly effective at that. It boggles my mind we have invented electric chairs, and torture chambers, and so on but when it comes to antz....... give 'em sugar/salt seems to be the best approach?
Alright Wolff...Since you're in SF this should be feasible.
Go to Chinatown (a pharmacy or one of those all purpose stores) and ask them for the chalk that's for ants, roaches and other bothersome vermin. It only should cost a dollar or two. Basically, all you have to do is draw a line with the chalk around wherever the ants are coming from or where you want them to stay away from. For some reason, the chalk really irritates them and they can't stand being around it (and it's non-poisonous and you don't have to torture them - that is unless you want to :heh: ). They disappear within a few hours. I have pretty bad ant problems and this works better than anything I've tried.
Originally posted by CarcassKreator

What kind of monster are you??? :cry:

Monster? What the fuck? It's not even endangered species we're talking about. Who the fuck cares how they die, as they long as they die. What the fuck are you pissed off about. Do you mean to tell me that they have somehow contributed positively in the course of human events? Have they done anything for you? Jackshit. Have they written some good metal or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care if I chop their heads, burn them, poison, step on them or drown them?
I have written some metal but since i doubt is any good im gonna have to co-Monster? What the fuck? It's not even endangered species we're talking about. Who the fuck cares how they die, as they long as they die. What the fuck are you pissed off about. Do you mean to tell me that they have somehow contributed positively in the course of human events? Have they done anything for you? Jackshit. Have they written some good metal or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care if I chop their heads, burn them, poison, step on them or drown them?
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I have written some metal but since i doubt is any good im gonna have to co-Monster? What the fuck? It's not even endangered species we're talking about. Who the fuck cares how they die, as they long as they die. What the fuck are you pissed off about. Do you mean to tell me that they have somehow contributed positively in the course of human events? Have they done anything for you? Jackshit. Have they written some good metal or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care if I chop their heads, burn them, poison, step on them or drown them?


Are you pissed drunk too?
im not drunk but maybe being left without phone or food for 10 hours in the middle of the desert without sleep kinda makes you incoherent too...risky but effective and easy on the liber. Im gonna market that kinda band tour.
Originally posted by Jannet
Gather them all together and make chocolate covered ants and sell 'em as a delicacy. I hear they're quite good, and you make money to boot! :D And I'm sure if you use a magnifying glass, you'll see them in agony, bubbling under the hot roasting fire, one antennea sticking out, trembling under the hot chocolate...that should quench your sadistic thirst...:lol: :lol:

That's the most stupid idea I've heard, next to my girlfriend's pleading to let her finger me. What's up with women?????????