Ants in my kitchen

No, I convinced her that anal sex was a sign of true love, (obviously to get my balls going) and the she thought that by fingering me she'd take that love into a different level. What a stupid cunt!
You obviously know jack shit about antz. Killing some of them it's not a problem, but in order to kill the colony you need to get rid of the motherfucking queen. So you have to outsmart that bitch by giving her some poison, or better yet have the antz bring the poison to the queen in case she's chilling the fuck out in my neighbours place.

But I'll sell you cake once they die. It'll be three easy installments of $19.99 + tax.
but if you call now, it'll be 2 installments of $19.99. And if you call Misanthope and talk dirty to him, without making him laugh, it'll be free.
he couldnt make it. just look at his signature, at his post, at his nick, and his random stupidities and gloriously funny contradictions
the man cannot Not make me laugh each time
people like him bring me back to the forum
Originally posted by Jannet
Wolff...of course I don't know jack shit about antz(z? ):lol:, but I'm not the one who's asking what's the best way to kill them. So I guess you don't know jack shit about antz(z? :lol: :lol: :lol: )either...And no...since you want to get rid of them so much, there shouldn't be a problem donating them to me...thank you very much..

You don't get it. I know all the theory about antz, so I will act with impunity. Once my roomate cleans all the dishes, removes his underwear from the counter, and has sprayed some chalk, I'll wake him up, tell them that the antz have been in my food and readily dismiss him for some brie, baguette and wine. Then we can decide about the cake.
Originally posted by Jannet

You might as well take advantage of the offer, since you're the one with the ant(z :lol: :lol: ) problem, not me...

Nah, Misanthrope is my friend, so I'll look after him.
Originally posted by Jannet

Quite a pathetic attempt in jumping on a flame bandwagon, eh? I need ants badly? I don't, you moron. If you took my suggestion seriously, you're just as idiotic as your siamese twin, Wolff. Wolff thought cutting off their heads and using lighters was such a brilliant idea - I can just imagine - "doorf, let me, durf, try to cut the little anty headz and zee if they die, dorf, maybe if I cut diz anty head off, it will get the big old queen TE-LE-PA-THICALY, dorf"

You dumb fucking bitch. Can't you come up with something more creative than that? Fucken retard.
Sue me if you need to do so but your chocolate suggestion and strong feelings towards grasshopper and other crap iguanas eat makes me think you were serious. Wolff on the other hand has over 1200 msgs and maye 2 of them serious

Ill advice wolff to use the now much needed [joke][/joke] tags

Edit: BRB im gonna dump the vermin of a recently roadkill near my house in chocolate and have it for dinner, if i can eat them and not die im shure there is a market for it.
That's what I was thinking? Who is this dumb bitch anyway?

Misanthrope, shall I create a create a Misanthrope/Jannet thread?
Originally posted by Wolff

Monster? What the fuck? It's not even endangered species we're talking about. Who the fuck cares how they die, as they long as they die. What the fuck are you pissed off about. Do you mean to tell me that they have somehow contributed positively in the course of human events? Have they done anything for you? Jackshit. Have they written some good metal or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care if I chop their heads, burn them, poison, step on them or drown them?

It doesn't matter if they're endangered species or not. What matters is that they're completely innocent. Yeah, they're in your house, but it's not like they're thinking "hey, dude, let's go terrorize this guy". They're just trying to survive. You can get rid of them without killing them. Try using some common sense. Or at least something other than think that just because you're human makes you better than everyone. If you're gonna chop off someone's head, go find a human. Leave the animals alone.
Originally posted by Jayde

It doesn't matter if they're endangered species or not. What matters is that they're completely innocent. Yeah, they're in your house, but it's not like they're thinking "hey, dude, let's go terrorize this guy". They're just trying to survive. You can get rid of them without killing them. Try using some common sense. Or at least something other than think that just because you're human makes you better than everyone. If you're gonna chop off someone's head, go find a human. Leave the animals alone.

I'm all for getting rid of them w/out killing them? Any ideas?
Originally posted by Jayde


And by the way, you are aware that it's ANTS, right? With an 'S'? Just making sure. ;)

It wasn't directed at you Jayde. I was conversing with Jannet, and you posted in between.

Ants, it is.
Originally posted by Jannet

I don't have to. I see it was quite effective with your Oh, so, brilliant comeback (see above).

Sometimes fucken bitch works better than witts. You gotta keep track of your audience... and give them in terms they'd understand;)