Originally posted by Jannet
Wolff...of course I don't know jack shit about antz(z? ), but I'm not the one who's asking what's the best way to kill them. So I guess you don't know jack shit about antz(z? )either...And no...since you want to get rid of them so much, there shouldn't be a problem donating them to me...thank you very much..
Originally posted by Jannet
You might as well take advantage of the offer, since you're the one with the ant(z ) problem, not me...
Originally posted by Jannet
Quite a pathetic attempt in jumping on a flame bandwagon, eh? I need ants badly? I don't, you moron. If you took my suggestion seriously, you're just as idiotic as your siamese twin, Wolff. Wolff thought cutting off their heads and using lighters was such a brilliant idea - I can just imagine - "doorf, let me, durf, try to cut the little anty headz and zee if they die, dorf, maybe if I cut diz anty head off, it will get the big old queen TE-LE-PA-THICALY, dorf"
Originally posted by Wolff
Monster? What the fuck? It's not even endangered species we're talking about. Who the fuck cares how they die, as they long as they die. What the fuck are you pissed off about. Do you mean to tell me that they have somehow contributed positively in the course of human events? Have they done anything for you? Jackshit. Have they written some good metal or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care if I chop their heads, burn them, poison, step on them or drown them?
Originally posted by Jayde
It doesn't matter if they're endangered species or not. What matters is that they're completely innocent. Yeah, they're in your house, but it's not like they're thinking "hey, dude, let's go terrorize this guy". They're just trying to survive. You can get rid of them without killing them. Try using some common sense. Or at least something other than think that just because you're human makes you better than everyone. If you're gonna chop off someone's head, go find a human. Leave the animals alone.
Originally posted by Wolff
Was that supposed an insult?
Originally posted by Jayde
And by the way, you are aware that it's ANTS, right? With an 'S'? Just making sure.
Originally posted by Jannet
I don't have to. I see it was quite effective with your Oh, so, brilliant comeback (see above).