any contact to PL or MDB?

Here is the playlist from Athens(21.12.2002)

2.Hallowed Land
3.Say Just Words
5.Two Worlds
6.So Much Is Lost
8.Forever Failure
10.I See Your Face
12.As I Die
13.Symbol Of Life
14.Small Town Boy
15.True Belief
16.One Second
19.The Last Time

Good Show...
Tell me what song want to upload for download(heheeheh)(only 1 i can do)
heheheheh Sol!!!

1 day later in Athens they did Enchanment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 guy (I DON'T KNOW WHO...:P ) screamed EMBERS FIRE but nothing...

The whole venue screaming later

Yeah Lee is always smiling...

I saw only him and Greg after the show...
they are disgusting...same row of songs in every gig.

and the bassman,how much pounds he weights i dread to think.
on stage they are the biggest losers ive seen.not supporting the songs,and doing an unfunny intemediate and then another one,to hear the godamn we want more shit!
the gig was good,hail to THE LAST TIME
thank god it was this last album involved,and the ressurection of drac.times,so we didnt felt totaldickheads,speaking the words of the audience
if you havent seen them,go ahead,but it'll be like the taste of fate,bittersweet and all:)
Originally posted by the_good_son141
thank god it was this last album involved,and the ressurection of drac.times,so we didnt felt totaldickheads,speaking the words of the audience
if you havent seen them,go ahead,but it'll be like the taste of fate,bittersweet and all:)

Heh, sounds like this gig wasn t a nice experience you had, right ?
I dont get it, what have they done that pissed you off so much?

Well, i have no clue how the PL lads are, i just digged them through SoL, so its pretty new to me.

Anyway, i'll see them when they'll be around, and if they are bad, i'll go and see them afterwards and i'll make them sign some PL burned CD's :)
Originally posted by Lenore

Anyway, i'll see them when they'll be around, and if they are bad, i'll go and see them afterwards and i'll make them sign some PL burned CD's :)

hehe really nice one.
you know it when a good gig is over.happy faces,life seems longer and your chest bumps for new lovers etc:rolleyes:
if they decide to show up again i'm gonna shit 'em was a combination of various reasons:band attitude horrible,not for live acts these guys,at least for the image i have created in me mind.
they played as i die in a pop version:o
they didnt play eternal,not even pop.

that counts little i guess,but the venue was so tiny,and the sound quality poor -like by devils hand-at the moments of the songs i enjoy most.
just about that ruined a nice and surprising playlist and the evening of an overdemanding spectator or two:)