any contact to PL or MDB?


Jan 20, 2002
Siegen, Germany
hmm, i wonder if any of the anathema guys have any connection still, or even had, some connections/ contact with the other two big doom founders Paradise Lost or My Dying Bride. As we have discussed here about both bands, i would like to know what the band (including Duncan) can tell about their opinion/relationship (as far as there is one) about/ with these two groups.

well, they were all labelmates. (even used the same studio for some time AFAIK)

Martin from MDB played some keyboards for Anathema in '99 (or was it '98?)

and Shaun (who did the drums for Alternative 4) now plays in My Dying Bride.
When MDB came here last spring and someone mentioned Anathema, some people from the band were not what you call delighted..... That's all I know.
MDB have never really liked us much, apart from maybe martin and aaron. they never copied my riffs though, the guitarists did.
PL were a well better band anyway and they have always been nice to us
hm, that's sad. well, I love both bands...together they were the bands that got me totally into metal (and good music in general). why can't some people just be a little more nice to others? ;) :p
Originally posted by Nico16
hm, that's sad. well, I love both bands...together they were the bands that got me totally into metal (and good music in general). why can't some people just be a little more nice to others? ;) :p
Very true!
I guess because they aren't feeling their own life good enough...

'bout Paradise Lost, I don't get it what the new album have to offer, listened to it in the shop, and it was dissapointing for me... Why they score that high in all magazines?
Agreed - the new PL album is well good, definitely a step forward.
I think with BiN they were stuck with a label that didn't give a fuck & they seemed to be a bit stale, but the new album is mental, I think that getting devin & Lee dorian to guest was cool too :D
okay you feckers I'm gonna buy that last PL album, but if its a heap of cack like host or believe in nothing I'm coming after yis :Mad:
in my opinion is a quite good album, you just have to give it a few listen. It grows better with hearing it more. Though a few songs are less good, there are some killer songs on it like Two Worlds, Pray Nightfall, Mystify, No Celebration. Then there are two good cover versions of Dead Can Dance's Xavier and Small Town Boy so(don't know the artist), on th digipack version.

I agree it's better than BIN, but i liked Host too.

so make your own opinion Bambi.

Originally posted by Bambi
okay you feckers I'm gonna buy that last PL album, but if its a heap of cack like host or believe in nothing I'm coming after yis :Mad:
It happened to me before - that confusion, but it seems that I'll miss and this release of Paradise Lost - was dissapointed too much before...
he knows everything of it (about drastic changes)

But most of the bands are doing a step back, after they released some 'expirimental' stuff. Examples:
My Dying Bride: Lots of people could live with 'Like Gods of the Sun' (wich is a killeralbum in my opinion...) but % was really disappointing for most people. They made Light at the End of the World, back-to-the-rootsalbum, with grunts and everything.
Moonspell, same story: Sin & Butterfly FX (Sin is their best album for me) were disapointing for lot of people, Darkness And Hope made them "popular" again.
Paradise Lost: again, Host and Believe in Nothing :( , Symbols of Life seems to make everything allright again

If bands are suffering from their musical changes, they go back to stuff what they had done before... I'm not saying that going back is bad, but it seems to become typical...
Now Anathema wont play Doom again, is it?! :headbang: But maybe they'll go back to Eternity, A4 times? :zombie: Could be... :confused:
can you please tell how SoL sounds? i mean about the riffs and the style,that will persuade me to have it.and some songs off it pleaseee

is it similar to one second perhaps?(i like that album...)
I saw Anathema and NDB share a few bills in Holland back in 93/94-REmember Amsterdam Lads)Getting in from Brazil like 1 hour before hitting the stage??!!:lol:

Anyway i sensed a certain atmosphere between the camps tho Martin was always very sociable and I got on with Aaron fairly well.
The bassist Ade was a misearable git it has to be said.
SoL is not as heavy as icon or draconian times but it's surely their "hardest'' album since dc. anyway, what matters is not the heaviness, lightness or whatever, what matters is that it's good. One Second is also considered soft, but it's a killer.....