Any Doom Heads?

I really need to buy some Solitude Aeturnus. I've spent too much lately though...for shame.
I bought Through The Darkest Hour recently. Everything musical, vocally about solitude aeturnus is perfect.

SA is brilliant and underrated as hell.

No one bids on their albums on Ebay so check there.
Necro Joe said:
Is it possible to get their second one anywhere without resorting to eBay? I need that album bad.

I just bought it used on for $11 including shipping. You seriously never know what you're going to find on there. Sometimes it's even better than eBay.

Edit: Fuck, if anyone is looking for Unorthodox - Balance Of Power and having trouble finding it, there are several copies listed as New on Amazon for UNDER THREE DOLLARS.
IOfTheStorm said:
Robert Lowe has one of the most outstanding voices in metal, crystal clear with a totally unique tone.

Not many people know how amazing his vocals are that even like clean vocals. Solitude Aeturnus needs some more promoting. The band was on pavement at what point, what label now ?. I can't believe a bigger label has not picked them up. How many albums is the band going to need to release. The band did not follow up adagio soon enough to gain anything. I can't see the band releasing more than 1,2 more albums.
The Greys said:
Not many people know how amazing his vocals are that even like clean vocals. Solitude Aeturnus needs some more promoting. The band was on pavement at what point, what label now ?. I can't believe a bigger label has not picked them up. How many albums is the band going to need to release. The band did not follow up adagio soon enough to gain anything. I can't see the band releasing more than 1,2 more albums.

I think they'll have a few more albums than that in them. I think SA are awesome - great band.

Interestingly, they seem to cover songs brilliantly. There is a snippet of SA covering a Candlemass song in a bar somewhere on the Candlemass documents of doom dvd - from memory I think it was "Well of Souls" - hey only play it for a minute or so, but even though, great, great stuff.