Any Doom Heads?

I haven't been listening to doom for that long. Draconian, Swallow the Sun, Shape of Despair and My Dying Bride are my personal favourites at the moment.

Pasi Koskinen of Shape of Despair has an amazing growl on the song ''Entwined in Misery'':headbang:
I've been listening to a lot of doom lately; extreme doom with a gloomy atmosphere and non-clean vocals. Though I like Black Sabbath, I really dislike almost all Sabbath worship doom bands.
Thread starter: Listen to Pentagram! For some reason not one of the most talked-about classic doom bands, but they have so many unbelievably great songs I don't think I'd call them second to anyone!
Life Sucks said:
I've been listening to a lot of doom lately; extreme doom with a gloomy atmosphere and non-clean vocals. Though I like Black Sabbath, I really dislike almost all Sabbath worship doom bands.
besides the sabbath comment
Mumblefood said:
remember that thread where i said discussing music with metalheads was useless? prime example right here.

I like how you pretend as if the people at sot2 aren't even more snobbish assholes or elitist about their personal tastes. :)
Dodens Grav said:
I like how you pretend as if the people at sot2 aren't even more snobbish assholes or elitist about their personal tastes. :)

I have never mentioned sot2 here nor anyone from sot2. I pretend nothing, i say nothing, and you assume too much. Would you really like to know what i think of people at sot2? Not much different from here. i have no alleigiance to sot2 or the people there. Make fun of me for things i have actually said and done, it's much more effective.
Your tone whenever you criticize "Metalheads" is one of superiority, so it certainly could be implied.
Mumblefood said:
erik i don't know who you are and i don't know why you are still talking to me. I'm not interested in what you have to say. You are not interested in what i have to say.
i am interested in you getting the fuck out since you don't do anything but say "metalheads are such ignorant close minded faggots blah blah i hate discussing music with them blah blah"

maybe all that time would be better spent writing sickly sweet sentimental acoustic ballads about some dead friends
Originally posted by Cythraul:

quote: Originally posted by Mumblefood:
Just reposting what someone else said to see what the response is. IMHO Dead As Dreams is the most important BM album to be released post 90's.

No fucking way, buddy. No!!


sorry mumble, stick to ambient.
Erik said:
i am interested in you getting the fuck out since you don't do anything but say "metalheads are such ignorant close minded faggots blah blah i hate discussing music with them blah blah"

maybe all that time would be better spent writing sickly sweet sentimental acoustic ballads about some dead friends

What an absurdly pathetic and obvious attempt to aggrivate me. You could have at least tried to bring up something relevant.

I'm not sure what the point of posting that was dodens. to show people disagree with me? SUPRISE! i already knew that.
No, to wait for you to comment so that I could ask you what compelled you to return to sot2 and make a thread about a comment that I made in some sort of attempt to trivialize what I said as misguided and insignificant.
Yet you found it funny. Are you trying to suggest that you didn't find my comment misguided to the point of humor, because that's certainly what is suggested by your demeanor. You also took my comment out of context btw but I guess that's okay because otherwise it wouldn't suit your purpose.
UndyingDarkness said:
Is Novembre considered Doom metal? I just heard them yesterday and they sounded pretty good.

the only band you've mentioned that is actually doom metal is my dying bride, and even then they're pretty borderline death-doom, with some of their songs and albums not being anywhere near doom

try fuckin cathedral - forest of equilibrium
Erik said:

the only band you've mentioned that is actually doom metal is my dying bride, and even then they're pretty borderline death-doom, with some of their songs and albums not being anywhere near doom

try fuckin cathedral - forest of equilibrium
cathedral are great paddy loves em:kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :Smokin: