Any good dual/triple rectifier clean clips?


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2008
Hey do u guys have any good clean dual or triple rectifier clips? Would like to hear what its capable of. I would rather get one of these than a fender twin or similar and have to put a distortion pedal in front of it for heavier tones. Also does anyone know if the new 2010 rectifiers have better cleans?
I don't have any clips but the cleans on the rectifiers I've played were always good, and def beat my Peaveys cleans.
lol yeah I have a 5150 and the cleans suck. Just hoping a rectifier has cleans that are really good not just mediocre
A band from Melbourne called "House Vs Hurricane" has a song called Colour Space which is one side vox ac30 and the other side trip rec.
I love the cleans on that song.
Although im not sure if the song is online, maybe youtube.

Live the cleans are awesome aswell.
Your right those cleans are nice. Definitely gonna have to check out the new recs when they arrive at guitar center. Unfortunately there not getting them till summer.
rec cleans are pretty naff.
not as bad as the 5150... but not great by any strectch of the imagination.
I managed to get a usable clean out of the 6505+ in the shop... but I'm not sure what it would be like at volume. My Laney VH100R has a really nice clean.
Also does anyone know if the new 2010 rectifiers have better cleans?

Actually they do. I just got my 2010 Dual Rectifier a couple of days ago, and the cleans are indeed better than on the older models.

I owned a 3channel Triple Rectifier for over three years and loved that amp, but when I found out all the cool stuff Mesa had done with the Dual's/Triple's I just had to get myself one.

But yes, the clean channel has been improved, it doesen't brake up as easily as it used to and it's more chimey than the older ones.
3channels rectifier have better clean than 2channels imo. But I only try with dual serie (and it's why I want a triple)...