Orpheus: Melodic Death
I had huge issues with raw drums when I first started, but over time throughout learning about the room effect, kit quality, kit tuning (drum tech helped here), skins, playing consistency, mic placement etc. it became much easier to keep more and more of the raw drum sounds in my productions. It's not 100% real, and I doubt it ever will be for me (in metal), as I prefer drum sounds which have been slightly augmented. There are elements of consistency and tone shaping which sample stacking provides that can't be achieved with any measure of tweaking a raw drum - but this is a far cry from outright replacing everything as a matter of standard procedure. That would essentially defeat the point of recording real drums in the first place.
Just want to +1 this section right here! This in all aspects, bass/ guitars/ vocals etc is what I feel is most important as an 'engineer'. Knowing and learning how to get the best from the SOURCE to begin with. If we can't at least learn how to do that, what good are we? I've spent so much time learning good mic techniques, what pres work well with what sources, how drums should be tuned, played, micd, what amp settings and amps work with what.. If I just used Pod Farm + SSD all the time... What exactly am I doing?
I'm about as much an engineer as a McDonalds employee is a Chef... Sure he puts a burger together... but using the same meat bun and stuffing every single place uses that almost anyone can do... Instant gratification! I want to be that Chef who runs his own restaurant that people are lining up for because it's unique, fantastic and the flavor stays with you when you go to sleep that night!
Silly example maybe... but it's exactly what I think about the whole thing anyways