Any of you Opeth fans heard of "Extol"?

and they are one of the most preachy christian bands out there ("my way is the right way, my way is the right way!"-WTF?)...great musicians though, although I don't want to get preached to.
Originally posted by Sadistik
and they are one of the most preachy christian bands out there ("my way is the right way, my way is the right way!"-WTF?)...great musicians though, although I don't want to get preached to.

Have you seen them live or something? I don't think they're preachy at all!

Hell, it's death metal, you can't understand what they're saying half the time anyway. :spin:
um have you even read their lyrics Nearch?!?!?!
"We are the members of the body of the sun, We are the Church of Christ"
None the less they are an AMAZING BAND!!!! EVERYONE HERE SHOULD CHECK THEM OUT!!!! Similar to new Death, but in my opinion I like them better.... <prepares to be shot>
Originally posted by Morningrise
um have you even read their lyrics Nearch?!?!?!
"We are the members of the body of the sun, We are the Church of Christ"

Well yeah, some of their lyrics have a obvious Christian message, but I don't think that's the same as being preachy. Like I said earlier, with the death vocals it's not like they're singing gospel music.

None the less they are an AMAZING BAND!!!! EVERYONE HERE SHOULD CHECK THEM OUT!!!! Similar to new Death, but in my opinion I like them better.... <prepares to be shot>

I'm glad you like them, although I don't know if I'd say they're better than Death, early Death maybe, but not TSOP. Don't worry I don't own a gun. ;)
Just finished looking around at their page..... so THAT'S were that guy from Schaliach went after they disbanded, sweet!

*Cranks Audio Galaxy up and gets busy!*
yeah I heard of them, they're very good! I've even almost seen them live! well I was at their concert actually, but me and my girlfriend were outside doing something else, so I missed them!!! :lol: :lol:
ok, let me just first say that i know all of the members in extol, i talk to them alot, i've seen them live 7 times, and my band has played some shows with them. they are christian. so what? music that good is worth listening to wheter or not you agree with their lyrics or not. i myself is a christian, and i listen to stuff like slayer, venom, cannibal corpse, cryptopsy, morbid angel, deicide and stuff like that. music don't have a religion. what's the difference anyway if some satanic band keep saying "satan rule, i desire death, blood is my favorite fluid, lucifer and i are friends" or anything like that. wouldn't that be "preaching" as well??? come on. like someone said, you can't hear to much of what thay are saying anyway...

btw, opeth kicks ass. still life is their best album.
please explain.

i would like to take this opportunity to say that extol once were scheduled to play a show with old mans child and extol were like "cool!!! let's kick some ass! what a great opportunity" and then old mans child refused to share the stage with them... because they were christian. and people say christians are close minded... some are, granted, but respect works both ways...
Hey Punisher,

That's cool that you know the guys! Tell them they need to come to the U.S. sometime.

I agree with you that a lot of people are close-minded. They hear a band is Christian and they want nothing to do with them. I've said before that I don't think Extol is overbearing with their Christian message.

I don't listen to bands that promote Satan and write Satanic lyrics. I see that as "preaching" as well. Maybe I have a double standard, but a lot of those bands who claim to be Satanic seem to be doing it for pure shock value. It's all a little dumb if you ask me.