Any other good Dream Theater albums?


New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2008
0 the intro solo to This Dying Soul stuck in my head all day and really wish I had more good stuff like this. I own Train of Thought and Systematic Chaos and have a few random songs like Root of all Evil and Pull Me Under and that's it for Dream Theater. I tried getting more into them by getting their Greatest Hits album but it was just full of mediocre ballads, a couple of songs I already had, and then some random shredding nonsense.

Basically I'm wandering, if any, is there a Dream Theater album that is mostly just good, straight prog metal? I doubt they have a perfect album but, ideally, the 5 minute robotic solos devoid of feeling in addition to the ballads coated in LaBrie's mediocre vox would be at a minimum. I really just like songs like Pull Me Under and As I Am that have great riffs and don't meander for 20 minutes. This Dying Soul would be my favorite DT song if it was just like 7 minutes long, they killed that thing in the second half with all the random changes.
There is no straight prog metal you queen, if it was straight enough it wouldn't be prog. However, the song Panic Attack fits the type you failed to describe, so give it a go

Their best album is Scenes from a Memory hands down btw
Well I know it has to be progressive, but, there are progressive bands that stick to 7-9 minute songs. I'll check out that album anyway.
They haven't been "progressive" or "metal" in a long time. Congrats, you've got two of their worst albums. Anything you buy will be an improvement, particularly Scenes From A Memory, Awake, Images & Words. Hell, even 6 Degrees. Wouldn't continue after owning all of those though.
Train of Thought is usually in your face metal without much progressive elements. I think Octavarium is better than that, but I still maintain the best is Scenes.
Listened to some tracks from Awake. Even on first listen, better than what I've been listening to for the most part.
Your original question contains the assumption that there IS a good Dream Theater album. I beg to differ...
Check them in this order:

Images and Words
Metropolis Pt.2
6 Degrees
Falling Into Infinity
When Dream And Day Unite
sfam is fucking horrible. get images and words, and awake. those are their two best albums ttytt.

you are a standard retarded metal listener. any band's best albums have to be the 2nd and the 3rd right, because their first ones are usually poorly produced and the later ones just sold out and you are a fucking underground king who doesn't feel too good about selling a lot of albums because it kills the reaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll art.

SFAM is an AWESOME album, get the fuck out.
I think 6 degrees is fantastic! Also, NEVER NEVER NEVER try to get into bands with "greatest hits" or "best of" compilations.
Dream Theater is a difficult band for me. I like some of the songs, and I am bored by the rest of them. I can't even name a good album, because I only enjoy some of the songs on each album. Just get everything and listen to it all, and find what you like. =/
Change of Seasons is pretty much the best DT song that exists. The Change of Seasons EP is pretty good; has some decent covers along with the badass title song.

As far as albums go, Images and Words is by far their best. If you grow to like this band, I would suggest you check out their first album as well (When Dream and Day Unite or smth like that). It has some good songs (Ytse Jam, Fortune in Lies, Afterlife), but the vocals are kinda shit.