Any Rockstar Gamers?


Primal Fear Rocks
Besides being a music and film buff... I'm also an avid video game player.

Particulary some of the Rockstar Games such as:

Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Max Payne I
Max Payne II
The Warriors

Just want to see/ask if any of the prog power people out there play such Rockstar Games?

I Loved the Max Payne games and have beat them both multiple times. I enjoyed the GTA's but it always seemed as though I got extremely bored after awhile.

Speaking of gaming, I'm really looking forward to God Of War 2.
I Loved the Max Payne games and have beat them both multiple times. I enjoyed the GTA's but it always seemed as though I got extremely bored after awhile.

Speaking of gaming, I'm really looking forward to God Of War 2.

God of War 2, fuck yeah.

Have you seen the gameplay video of Kratos riding Pegasus? it looks very awesome.
I play video games but I hate most of those Rockstar games. I might like that table tennis one but I don't have a 360.
I like mostly strategy, rpg, and weird games like Katamari & Rayman Raving Rabbids. Need to really pick up Elebits.
Haven't been into video games since the early 80s, and only then because the biz I ran had them, all the ancient ones, but my girlfriend got me Rockstar II for Christmas and I can say that it definately kicks my ass. It is nothing like playing a regular guitar that's for sure.
RPG guy over here...
God of War 2 is gonna kick ass, though!!! Same thing with Assassin's Creed!!

RPG-er here as well. Still haven't finished FFXII after 80+hours of gameplay(love doing those hunt quests).

Finishing up God of War1 and MK Shaolin Monks(awesome game for when you have friends over).

Looking forward to Rogue Galaxy, GoW 2 and FFXIII whenever they come out.
Loved Max Payne I never got around to II...Recently finished Doom III & FEAR...FEAR works great in a multiplayer enviornment. If any gamers want to contact me please do. We could use some new blood in my weekly multiplayer game :headbang:
I'm not big into video games, but I'm an avid tabletop gamer. I'm big into AD&D, and I also like playing Munchkin, which is a card game.

MUNCHKIN!!! :headbang:

I saw it in Borders on Saturday night. Man, was I shocked to see it in a chain store like that. I've got that & the expansion packs. Never got Star Munchkin or the others, though. What I really need to purchase is the Get Nifty card game made for Sluggy Freelance (webcomic). I'm kind of friends with the guy who created it. Only say kind of because I've met him all of 3x. name is Rob Balder and is also the guy who writes Partially Clips & Erfworld.
I'm not big into games like MTG or AD&D. Though my friend Matt who runs Connecticon has a ton of European board games that are a lot of fun. Puerto Rico, Samurai, Settlers of Catan, San Juan, etc.
I play video games but I don't really like GTA. My taste in games tends to be Japanese-like. Love RPGs, right now really getting more into the Super Robot Wars series. RPGs with Mecha Anime, not many games better imo.
Elder scrolls Oblivion in the xbox 360

Played it on PC as well by any chance? Any comments on how it compares? I played Morrowind on both, and thought each format had its plusses and minuses.

Haven't really had a chance to play Oblivion yet, though, as my machine runs it very slowly, and I want to be able to savor the gameplay. I bought it the day it came out, and it's been mostly sitting here since. :(
