Any Rockstar Gamers?

my favorites are

the mega man series
super metroid
super mario rpg
the final fantasy series
Halo: CE
super smash bros.
Have less time to game lately, but a few years back for kicks created this custom soundtrack for fans of Yngwie and the game Diablo II.
Special mixes of the songs with game dialog/sounds, played in order it follows you the main character throughout the game's story until the end which you must defeat Baal (CD cover below). Songs are on the radio request playlist, Devil is Disguise and Rising Force turned out the best.

Played it on PC as well by any chance? Any comments on how it compares? I played Morrowind on both, and thought each format had its plusses and minuses.

Haven't really had a chance to play Oblivion yet, though, as my machine runs it very slowly, and I want to be able to savor the gameplay. I bought it the day it came out, and it's been mostly sitting here since. :(


God, Shaye, MORROWIND RULES!!! I'm playing it as I post this!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Fucking Love it!!!
The ones i been playing recently are Gears of War and Elder scrolls Oblivion in the xbox 360, and im waiting for Halo 3, its gonna be awesome.

Sean & I recently beat Gears Of War, not too easy, not too hard....tons of fun. I haven't been into a console game like that in years.....
MUNCHKIN!!! :rock:

I saw it in Borders on Saturday night. Man, was I shocked to see it in a chain store like that. I've got that & the expansion packs. Never got Star Munchkin or the others, though. What I really need to purchase is the Get Nifty card game made for Sluggy Freelance (webcomic). I'm kind of friends with the guy who created it. Only say kind of because I've met him all of 3x. name is Rob Balder and is also the guy who writes Partially Clips & Erfworld.
I'm not big into games like MTG or AD&D. Though my friend Matt who runs Connecticon has a ton of European board games that are a lot of fun. Puerto Rico, Samurai, Settlers of Catan, San Juan, etc.

You should definitely get Star Munchkin. It's the only game where you get to have the Lazer + Lazer + Dazer + Mazer + Bo Daiser + Fazer, etc...:lol:

@Rider of Theli: I've spent many an AD&D game listening to Blind Guardian. :cool: