Anybody here that hates the beatles?

gotta listen to the early stuff, very important in its time, "Queen" a must have in my opinion. Bohemian Rhapsody could be considered for one of the most important songs of its era beside other greats such as Stairway, Hotel Cali, Let it Be {to stay more Beatles focused}
No, seriously, rellisten to all of their 70s stuff. In fact, all of their albums, including the greatest hits compilations. I dunno maybe it's just me, but they strike me so profoundly; maybe there's the nostalgia factor or just Mercury's unique and charismatic voice. They were a lot more than just a plain rock band, as razoredge said, and even despite being overly theatrical, there's just something charming about the way they employed these theatrics like no other band before or after them.
Okay, I shall cease my Queen fanboyism and let you go back to the Beatles now.
First though, they fell clearly into hard rock, big difference between the hard rockers and "rock". Many hard rock bands were "progressive" at that time, dabbling here and there, going on side trips. Beside Rush and Tull (that I can think of) Queen would have been at the extreme of this in the 73-74 period anyhow with what appears to me to be opera, operetta and broadway influence, even old musical movies which came straight from Broadway. Cooper and Bowie more than dabbled in theatrics but less the vocal application that Queen used... point-counterpoint vocals. Ironically being a Beatles thread while Im not sure I make much connection between the Beatles and Queen in thier music they were both equally off the hook and drew from Broadway or what ever the English equivelent was. Wish I could think of the name of that well known operetta writer, he has to have a large hand in this and I'm almost thinking he was British. But yeah Queen really stood out, thats why I like that first recording so much, plus it was raw, a bit rough around the collar, less defined and produced. Then in 75 Crack the Sky entered into this realm of things with clear Beatles and Broadway influence even a couple of songs which reminded of both Queen and Rush as well.

When I sat down on the couch last night, low and behold a more recent Queen w/Rogers concert. To my surprise I found both May and the drummer had lead vocalist qualities and capabilities... quite impressive... as drummer and guitarist too. Brian May is awesome on the axe, always was but seeig it is usually better or at least reviels the truth.
I fail to see Under Pressure as anything more than a great commercial pop song
I fail to see Under Pressure as anything more than a great commercial pop song
I really don't care whether or not it's a comm pop song of which I don't consider it to be. I like it. That's all that matters. I like the bass line , the contrast in vocals and interplaying between them etc.. etc..

Okay, I shall cease my Queen fanboyism and let you go back to the Beatles now.
yup.. your a fanboy lol but we all are of one band/artist or another.... Queen just doesn't happen to be mine...
I really don't care whether or not it's a comm pop song of which I don't consider it to be. I like it. That's all that matters. I like the bass line , the contrast in vocals and interplaying between them etc.. etc..

If you didnt notice, I said noting more than a great commercial pop song. Meaning Queen did much more significant work than showing up in a studio with Bowie. There was alot of that going on at that time, it got a bit out of control. Sting on MTV, Collins playing drums for everybody... there was much better music around.
My favorite songs from their later pop rock era are all off the Innunedo album. The Show Must Go On, Innuendo and I'm Going Slightly Mad-such incredible tracks.
While I am not particularly fond of their music, it is definitely listenable for me. In my opinion, they're far from the be-all-end-all of great (rock) music that many people hold them to be.
I think the word listenable does have some subjectivity tied to it. Some people may consider some music listenable, while others may not. For me, all music is ultimately listenable.

I would say that generally it comes down to preference for me, and I wouldn't put The Beatles anywhere high on my preference list. I would generally prefer to listen to Cage and Crumb.
The Beatles are the most important artist of the last 50 years, in any genre. For that matter, in any medium. Their cultural footprint is simply that massive.
The statement has some merit but ignores too many others at the same time. They were amounsts the important... at the top of the list... closely rivialed by The Rolling Stones from 64-67/68. Hendrix, Cream, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, ZZ Top, Rush and a host of progressive and fusion bands quickly diminished the value of the Beatles sound. Theres more range from LZ to Black Sabbath to Micheal Jackson influence in current popular music than the Beatles.

I say this not to diminish their status but only to keep it in perspective,
Helter Skelter = Metal...True Story. Probably my favorite band of all-time. The last 7 albums I can't find one bad song, The Ending of Abbey Road to me is as perfect as music gets.
but ya know, I always liked hard rock and I cant stand Helter Skelter, never, not like I just got sick of it, I never could stand that song. Even "Get Back", get back was one of those songs with the catchy part I never liked I couldnt get out of my head sometimes... as if that wasnt bad enough 10 or however many years later Aerosmith had to re-release it.
but ya know, I always liked hard rock and I cant stand Helter Skelter, never, not like I just got sick of it, I never could stand that song. Even "Get Back", get back was one of those songs with the catchy part I never liked I couldnt get out of my head sometimes... as if that wasnt bad enough 10 or however many years later Aerosmith had to re-release it.

trying to figure out what you are talking about? aerosmith did "come together" about 10 years after it was released and didn't do "helter skelter" until the 80's

edit: i take that back. aerosmith did "helter skelter" in the mid 70's but it was never released until the pandoras boxset. they never did "get back"