Anybody why to try mixing a tune for me?

I don't really know what I would post as a guide. These cats are old school. To me, they sound like and angry hardcore/punk band that have been influenced by Overkill.

I know the drummer loves the sound of Morgan Rose's kit (sevendust).

Overall the music should be raw and not overly processed. IMHO, that is my problem. I can't get a simple raw tone.
I'm attaching links to my original post. Please see above. First link posted.
awesome dude... its remind me some kind of new stuff of lordi!

downloading the drums now :)

why did you record clean guitars also? what can i do with that?

second time that this happend to me.. i never now why you did this.. and the other band also did it...

anyone could give me an advice?
excellent - I wish more people did this - or there were more resources (that I could find) where you could get session to practice with. The nine inch nails session that was on myspace was cool - but the tracks were perfect and only really suitable for remixing.
This is a cool idea...I will give it a shot as well.lll let you know how it goes.
Uploading the wav files is going to take awhile. My upload has crapped out twice.
Here's my attempt. (just a segment). I reamped the guitars with guitarsuite JCM900. I am suprised by how good the guitars sound (guitarsuite) for being freeware. Outstanding plugin. Oh yeah, i used the tube screamer plugin in front of the JCM plug too.
Splat88 said:
Here's my attempt. (just a segment). I reamped the guitars with guitarsuite JCM900. I am suprised by how good the guitars sound (guitarsuite) for being freeware. Outstanding plugin. Oh yeah, i used the tube screamer plugin in front of the JCM plug too.

Damn! That sounds really good. Nice job!!!

Please share what you did.
Here's my attempt :

Took me 2 hours, and this is my first mix apart from my own projects.
I used all freeware software, guitars are Voxengo Boogex with 5150 impulse, compressor, limiter, reverb and delay are Kjaerhus's freeware plugins. Multiband comp on guitars and bass is GVST. Sound replacing on snare & kick is KTDRUM Trigger (that's why no multiple samples).