Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

Oct 13, 2002
The Womb Of WA
Does anyone like their newer material? I'll admit I haven't heard the last release, but the coupld before that were awful in my opinion. Does anyone actually admit to liking the past 3-4 releases? Even better than the first few?
Boy you mean Anthrax? New here, aren't you. So if you really mean Anthrax, I can tell you of course I love MOSTLY the new stuff and so does the majority of ppl who attend this board.
I love their old stuff but IMO the "new" Bush era stuff is by far the best. If you think their last few albums were awful then you might consider going to the Dr. and getting your ears cleaned.
I love the old thrash anthrax, but eventually I accepted that they decided to change to a different but still very metal sound. I can't get enough of SOWN at the moment, but then a month ago I was hooked on Among!

And tomorrow I'll be seeing them live infront of my eyes!!!
John Bush is the difference maker in this decision. I might like the "music" a little better in the old days but the voice that accompanied it.....aagh.....awful, just totally weakened the overall sound of the band. But since John Bush has been in the mix the "HEAVINESS" of Anthrax had improved tremendously!!! They are the total package now. One of the top three metal vocalist ever. One of the best, most influential drummers in the history of metal. The undeniable "riffmaster" on rythym. A bass player who holds down an incredible bottom end and the heart of the live show. Now if Rob can actually contribute some leads to the new songs........Anthrax will be Unstoppable.

Besides I always love when somebody starts out with "I'll admit I haven't heard the last release".....dude, I respect everyone's right to an opinion.......but only when its an educated one.

Educate yourself dimwit..........then you might be taken seriously around here.

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, even if it's not a popular one, but don't insult us by saying that we "actually admit" to liking them better. I'm proud to admit, that in my opinion, there haven't been any better metal albums than the last three Anthrax albums period. Anthrax with Joey was cool, but as Armored Thrax alluded to, Joey's voice was the weak link...I'd even go a step further, as I like the "music" better from the John-era albums better, too.
Its got to be said though that joey's voice fits POT more than the other albums he done. For me liking newer or older stuff i am mixed as the two albums i listen to most are POT and SOWN. Johns voice does add that bit of heaviness to the music.
And once again we are explaining the same topic over and over!!!!!!!!!!
Like Budy said it "Bush or Brake"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I myself like every fuckin album with the Trax logo on front!!!!!!!!!
You just can't compare John with Joey , they are both great!!!!!!Joey got's us into Anthrax and John is given it that "final touch"
Originally posted by Taylor Jane
I really like the new stuff. Of cource I may be bias cause I am friends with Rob but I think the new album is gonna be great. I can't wait for it myself.

Can you get me backstage next week when they are in A'dam, just give me the number of his mobile and I give him a call!!!!!
I think the new Anthrax is some of the most underrated metal out there. They get no respect in the metal media despite releasing three fantastic albums. Very few kids seem to be into them compared to some of the far weaker bands out there. They dont know what they are missing!

I also admit Joey was the weak link not only in his voice but in Anthrax in general, look at how out of place he was in the Bring the Noise video.
best way to some it up(its all good)

old stuff is classic,new stuff is classic

joey did a great job when he was in the band,john bush took it a step further!!!
John Bush is one of the best vocalists I have heard and he revitalised Anthrax. The supporting cast is fabulous, Scott Ian should have been born with a guitar! Most people I know say Anthrax's new stuff is their best.

They have been around for a long time (as we all know) yet their music is still relevant and GOOD! as long as that is the case, Anthrax can keep playing and still have the fanbase
Well, I've "Rassled" with the new stuff over and over in my head.

I've been a fan since Among the Living, so I have the benefit of prolonged exposure to Anthrax. Wait a minute. That doesn't sound right.

There's no denying the thrash mastery of Among and the following releases. I don't think the albums are quite mixed the way they should have been. Still, they are solid albums, and I can still listen to them to day, which can NOT be said for a LOT of bands.

With Sound of White Noise we got something pretty different. The songs were shorter. The guitar sound was a lot richer. And we got Bush on vocals.

Two things happen here to make me like this less. One, some of the songs have great potential but each one has at least one or two parts where they just don't sound like Anthrax. Kinda like Room For One More at the 35 second mark.

Two, just about every other band I liked changed their sound around this time. Theya ll started lightening up their sound and trying to be more accessible.

Being a young and impressionable young man at that time, it was just another nail in the coffin of thrash.

Along comes Stomp 442. And things start to look really bleak. Now, songs start to have just good parts. Like the first two tracks. Both start ok, then they go downhill around chorus time. One or two don't even sound like they should be on the album at all.

Vol. 8 continues what Stomp 442 started in that the songs are a lot more rock and a lot less heavyiness.

Still, for some reason I feel more encouraged from Vol. 8 than I would think. It certainly has more personality than SOWN or Stomp 442. That's a big plus. Songs like 604, Cupajoe, Toast ot the Extras, Born Again Idiot, are certainly interesting.

In the end, I can certainly understand why the sound continues to evolve. I would rather have THAT than the band be stuck dishing out the same old crap album after album. Sure, songs like Catharisis and King Size make me cringe, but there are a few good flashes here and there.

Final answer, old stuff's awesome, good stuff's not entirely horrible.
Originally posted by Kronx
Two, just about every other band I liked changed their sound around this time. Theya ll started lightening up their sound and trying to be more accessible.

SOWN was not lighter than their earlier stuff by any means. If anything, the newer albums have a heavier sound to them (albeit partly because of better production, but still them's some heavy guitar, man!)