Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

Yeah I agree. Even if they re-recorded those songs with Joey I wouldn't have liked it. There is something about preserving the originals.

The originals still exist, you know. It's not like they re-recorded the entire back catalog and made it out of print, so you can only buy the new versions. It was a LIVE in the studio album...
there are rumours that John, Scott, Charlie, Frank & Rob burnt their whole Bellthrax-collections before they entered the studio to record GOTE. *lol*
There is something about preserving the originals.quote]
I don't agree with much of what you post, but more or less, I agree here. I think Bush is far superior to Joey, but GOTE was not really great. I did think his redoing of the Turbin stuff was very good. I like GOTE but the production is just not stellar.

For me it wasn't that John was singing the best of Joey collection it was that Scott completely killed the guitar tones. In the originals the tone was tight yet thick sounding but with GOTE they tuned to sludge. They should have kept the original tempos and and tone although they could have updated it a little--like on the original they used Marshalls while recording and on GOTE they should have used Mesa Triple Rectifiers--things like this would have been great.

The cover of Deathrider was horrible
A LOT of people...many of whom don't post here because of the 3 or 4 morons like yourself who overran this board. And a lot of us have been gone since 2005.

Yeah - a lot. LOTS of sales often lead to a record label going bankrupt. It doesn't matter if you like one guy over another - facts are it was an epic mistake to replace Joey and almost every single time any band has tried to replace a singer it is an epic mistake.

Even today using Youtube as a gage Joethrax out paces Johnthrax by tremendous numbers . This is even with the advantage that the demos on youtube skew younger and youtube as a media wasn't in existence prior to Joey getting the boot... All of which should favor Johnthrax.
Even today using Youtube as a gage Joethrax out paces Johnthrax by tremendous numbers . This is even with the advantage that the demos on youtube skew younger and youtube as a media wasn't in existence prior to Joey getting the boot... All of which should favor Johnthrax.

true, the Bellthrax-videos have many views more than the Bushthrax-vids, the 'only' exception is 'Only' which is the most popular Bushthrax-song anyway, for example 'Safe Home', shouldn't a video with Keanu Reeves have millions of views? even Keanu's appearance in the video couldn't help make 'Safe Home' a hit, Scott & Charles probably thought that it was gonna be the next 'Nothing Else Matters'.
true, the Bellthrax-videos have many views more than the Bushthrax-vids, the 'only' exception is 'Only' which is the most popular Bushthrax-song anyway, for example 'Safe Home', shouldn't a video with Keanu Reeves have millions of views? even Keanu's appearance in the video couldn't help make 'Safe Home' a hit, Scott & Charles probably thought that it was gonna be the next 'Nothing Else Matters'.

Safe Home was the only song they have done since Only that actually got decent radio play in a few obscure rock markets. They thought it was going to blow up and didn't. If it would have there would not have been a reunion tour as they would have had a huge single which would have gotten them more radio play and even possibly landed them promotional spots and live performances on various late night shows etc.

But it didn't do what they thought and they almost had to disband. Thankfully for Anthrax Joey came in and saved their asses once again and did the reunion tour and made them some money.

Then of course they fire him again and almost had to call it quits again. But now Joey comes back and saves their asses once again and now they are on huge tours.

I really hope Joey is at least getting paid as much if not more than any of the existing members in this band. He has saved their asses many times and is one of the main reasons Anthrax was ever a relevant band in the first place. Scott Ian is the most recognizable band member but that doesn't get you very far... just look at the past decade of Anthrax and what almost happened to them
Scott once said that Joey wanted more money than Metallica's tailor.

Maybe he can afford to shop on Rodeo Drive at Armani too

Safe Home was the only song they have done since Only that actually got decent radio play in a few obscure rock markets. They thought it was going to blow up and didn't. If it would have there would not have been a reunion tour as they would have had a huge single which would have gotten them more radio play and even possibly landed them promotional spots and live performances on various late night shows etc.

But it didn't do what they thought and they almost had to disband. Thankfully for Anthrax Joey came in and saved their asses once again and did the reunion tour and made them some money.

Then of course they fire him again and almost had to call it quits again. But now Joey comes back and saves their asses once again and now they are on huge tours.

I really hope Joey is at least getting paid as much if not more than any of the existing members in this band. He has saved their asses many times and is one of the main reasons Anthrax was ever a relevant band in the first place. Scott Ian is the most recognizable band member but that doesn't get you very far... just look at the past decade of Anthrax and what almost happened to them

Safe Home is the sorriest excuse for an Anthrax song ever....
After all the crap Scott has said about Joey in the press over the years, he certainly deserves it.

Maybe Scott should show some kind of public contrition and gratitude to Joey for saving 'Thrax's career. Doubt he ever will though.

Yeah I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Though I could see it happening if it involves him making $$$