Anyone come across Mithras yet?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil


Second album from this UK band, and getting incredible reviews. Anyone heard it yet?
Haven't heard the band but I do remember reading about them in the February (I think) issue of Terrorizer. They come from Rugby, fucking hell...
Russell said:
I reviewed their debut, and wasn't hugely impressed, but it was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to hearing this one.. And it's good news for Golden Lake who are a hard-working small scale label and seem like nice guys :)
Just ordered the CD yesterday from golden lake for 6 quid ($10 US). Not bad, considering that includes shipping.

Also just got a mail from Fraser at Golden Lake telling me he'll add us to his promo mailing list. Hooray for Scotland and their freedom.
Okay, listening to this right now... interesting.

So far it's a mix between Domination-era Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, and some trippy shit. I really like that intro track, and really hate the drums.

Track 3 is up... I'm headbanging ever so slightly...
On first listening of Mithras, I thought 'hello, Morbid Angel with lots of synths', and left it at that. After about five listens, however, something just kicked in for me, particularly some of the solos. Definitely one of those albums that gets better over time....

.....good tracks: "The Caller and The Listener" and Lords and Masters". Once these two tracks bowled me over, the rest kind of just fell in place.

I'll admit that, if you're not in the mood for something so 'trance-like', then a lot of it can be filler. E.g. "Psyrens" and "Transcendence" are skippable, but if you put the whole thing on through headphones and chill, the overall effect is sweet.

The exciting thing is though, NAD, is it'll only get better. :cool:
Oh yeah, I can sense a lot of growth here. I listened to about half of it so far, but now the Simpsons are on. :D
There is growth, but I'll be slightly surprised if this turns into a Vital Remains affair for you: hate -> baby making in that way. I think this would be more like: not bad -> impregnate me in every way. :loco:

EDIT: I'm curious as to how Papa Josh might receive Mithras.... o_O
That's true, I don't hate Mithras upon first listening.

I'm not sure which role I wish to play with Vital Remains (pitcher or catcher), but most certainly gay either way. If you think I'm willing to be catcher for Mithras, well then damn, we'll just have to see. :loco: Definitely digging the trippy elements though, the first track made me pretty excited.
NAD said:
That's true, I don't hate Mithras upon first listening.
Without changing subject altogether, in hindsight, did you really "hate" Dechistianize on first listening? I remember playing it to Gugs in the car (back in the day when I had a stereo that worked, and nevertheless that car is gone now) and he was all :ill: on first listening, and then he bought it (of course) and became :cool: with it. Personally, I was always :tickled: with it from the beginning.
No, it made me sick at first! I really couldn't stand it, other than the guitar leads which always sounded great. All I heard were boring riffs and a monotone bear the first several listens!

As usual though, hate is too strong a word. I severely disliked Vital Remains at first. :cool:
And then you turned it over and started to massage KY Jelly into it.

Now Playing: "They Came And You Were Silent" -> loud, on headphones, I'm off to the Moons of Jupiter...look, there's Ziggy in his tin can...*whoosh*