Anyone else dissapointed?

[I don't understand this fixation on all these other "progressive" bands who use the guitars as primative rhythm instruments while keyboards dance over them. I'm pretty amazed that everyone really craves that sort of thing.]


So, are you saying that guitarists like Jon Petrucci, Michael Romeo, Stephan Forte, Andre Olbrich, Luca Turilli, Thomas Youngblood, Kiko Loureiro, etc., use the guitar as a primitive rhythm instrument???!!! What have you been smoking?! :tickled:

If there ever was a primitive rhythm instrument in metal, it would probably be the rapid double base drum which defines the sounds of Gamma Ray, Helloween, and all their copy cat bands. These bands use it to excess which makes most all of their songs sound the same to me IMO. I'm pretty amazed that everyone really craves THAT sort of thing.
While I'm up for constructive feedback, I would ask folks to be civil in this thread and polite. I worked my ass off for months to get that lineup done and I will not sit around in *my house* and simply let people bitch without solid reasons.

If you want to bitch, there are other forums where you can share your feelings.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
While I'm up for constructive feedback, I would ask folks to be civil in this thread and polite. I worked my ass off for months to get that lineup done and I will not sit around in *my house* and simply let people bitch without solid reasons.

If you want to bitch, there are other forums where you can share your feelings.

Glenn H.

Dr. Bell,

This is a private forum in which you are an invited guest. If you are not happy with rules or my commentary, then you are free to post at other forums and not here. I realize this could cost me your support now and in the future and I am willing to accept that.

The initial post in the thread was inflammatory towards the prog fans. Fiddler's post was the same towards the power folks. I do not want this to get into a flame war because I have better things to do that moderate this place.

I specifically said I am fine with negative feedback presented in a reasonable manner. You did that in another thread and it was fine. No one was called out specifically here.

Your final comment was a direct insult that does not dignify a reply.

Glenn H.
out of all the albums I have from these bands; all Savatage, Kamelot, Brainstorm, 4 from Tad Morose, 1 Adagio and 4 from Edguy.. I don't hear much dancing on them where the guitars take a back seat.. I listened to about 20 clips from Into Eternity, there was some screaming, definately no dancin goin on there :) POS I'm not into, but will give them a 2nd shot and I have to hear more than 1 Dreamscape song and some more Wuthering Heights to get an opinion on them, but I like what I've heard all around.. save the POS.
how is that a direct insult? i was just saying that i didn't think anyone said anything bad. i'm not trying to offend you, anyone else, etc etc. i would even go so far as to say my feedback isn't necessarily "negative", i am just dissapointed because i liked most of the other lineups more. i still want to go to this show, and if your other lineups were like most of the metalfests around here, i would be going crazy singing your praises right now. my "dissapointment" does not mean i have a problem with you or your fest. i hope your strong reactions are mostly a result of people acting more inflammatory towards you and the folks here in the past. and how is this necessary:

I realize this could cost me your support now and in the future and I am willing to accept that.
don't get all timo tolkki on us! i don't see why i would be so sensitive as to to not go to your shows and stuff just because i think you are really strict on the message board or even if you have some big problem with me or something.
I don't like the line-up as well as last year's but I expected that already as two of my very top bands Vanden Plas and Pagans Mind made their American debut last year.

Having said that, I do think this is a solid line-up with quality acts. I'm not into POS but I like many of the bands and the ones I don't know well sound promising.

I have to admit I liked the Timo line.

I don't think you get that the post was not intended at you in any manner. I wanted to prevent flame wars between others with your "band sucks" or "prog vs power" type statements. Furthermore, I am indeed defensive in regards to the lineup. It's tough when you put your blood, sweat, and tears into something and think you have done a good job...only to have people tear it down without good reasons (once again, you did not do that so relax). I simply do not want the type of posts that I have read elsewhere (SX forum for example) here. This specific thread title opens it up directly to that.

It would probably be best if we just dropped the other part as it serves no further purpose to discuss it.

Glenn H
i just want to say that i know it wasn't directed at me, i just sometimes speak up when i suppose people would rather that i didn't. maybe i am just used to more bickering, and i can just ignore it if it gets too nasty or stupid, so i didn't think it was a big deal, while other people may disagree. long as you got Adagio, I am so there! I will probably never get another chance to see them. Too bad they are only getting an opening slot but I will take what I can get!
I am dissappointed too!!! Dissappointed that its only 2 days instead of 3 or 4...dissappointed that people can't be pleased with what Glenn is laying right in our laps once again.Glenn puts the maiden here for us,but some of us think shes got a big nose,or her ass is too big or whatever....I'll take her,snaggle tooth and crooss eyes included lol

It seems to me that you took the Power element of 2 years ago and rolled 2 Prog heavy festivals out of it. The excitement that was stirred over Prog 3 was credited by yourself as being a "once in a lifetime lineup" but I think it's that there was, in fact, less of a Prog element overall. Since then, Power fans have had very little to jump up and down about aside from Nightwish. I remember asking you about sponsoring Running Wild or Pretty Maids some years ago and you said, and I quote: "The fan base for those bands is primarily overseas and they would be very little of a draw in the USA". Well I ask you: Where is Adagio, Wuthering Heights, or Into Eternity's fan base? I don't see one at all.

I think that everyone appreciates the job you do, no doubt in the world. Your festival is one of a kind. However, there is still competition for the dollar and I think you could do better for fans of Power metal. I know you said Sonata wasn't available but how about (and these aren't even my favorites, just examples): Rhapsody, Labyrinth, Running Wild, Metalium, Axel Rudi Pell, Dream Evil, Freak Kitchen, Poisonblack or the like?

Honestly, Cleveland is breathing down ProgPower's neck and aside from overall atmosphere, may actually be the festival to see the last 2 years. I'm just saying....
I for one am NOT disappointed and for several reasons. ProgPower afford fans of Progressive metal and Power metal an opportunity to see bands that in most cases would not normally tour the US or make an appearance in the USA. They've accomplished that by adding some excellent bands in Tad Morose, WUthering Heights, Adagio, Brainstorm and Dreamscape. As with every year there's repeat bands that have enjoyed the atmosphere and exposure (and likely the treatment by glenn as well as the fans) of ProgPower and jump at the chance to make a return engagement. Having been to PP2&3 and seen Kamelot, Edguy I'm ecstatic about thier return as they've put on excellent performances.

I understand and respect the fact that Glenn isn't going to please all 1500 fans and he does to but I think a majority of the fans that are attending are going for either either favorite bands, to see multiple bands or fans that just enjoy the atmosphere of the festival and are willing to support it for a year that their favorite band isn't playing. Even if you don't enjoy the bands or aren't particulary happy with this years line up people should give glenn his due for opening the avenues of opportunity to even see this kind of music in the USA now and in the future.
The Fiddler said:
[I don't understand this fixation on all these other "progressive" bands who use the guitars as primative rhythm instruments while keyboards dance over them. I'm pretty amazed that everyone really craves that sort of thing.]


So, are you saying that guitarists like Jon Petrucci, Michael Romeo, Stephan Forte, Andre Olbrich, Luca Turilli, Thomas Youngblood, Kiko Loureiro, etc., use the guitar as a primitive rhythm instrument???!!! What have you been smoking?! :tickled:

If there ever was a primitive rhythm instrument in metal, it would probably be the rapid double base drum which defines the sounds of Gamma Ray, Helloween, and all their copy cat bands. These bands use it to excess which makes most all of their songs sound the same to me IMO. I'm pretty amazed that everyone really craves THAT sort of thing.

Man I could not agree more. First, let me say kudos to Glenn. Perhaps you people do not realize what this man must go through to pull these events off. I would hate to see his phone bill. As far as the line-up, some people like choclate, some like vanilla. I guess if you don't like the line-up, or your list of bands aren't appearing, perhaps you could start your own festival(good luck!)

As far as the primitive rhythm instrument :tickled: I couldn't agree more with the double base overkill thing, dooga dagga dooga dagga dooga dagga dooga dagga, good lord, so many bands like Primal Fear , Helloween etc.....they all sound the same

Anyway, Glenn...there will always be complainers......because.... they are never satisfied
TwizstedJesus said:
I am dissappointed too!!! Dissappointed that its only 2 days instead of 3 or 4...dissappointed that people can't be pleased with what Glenn is laying right in our laps once again. lol

you go
Sigh...I hesitate to even throw my two cents' in here...but...oh well...doing it anyway.

It's sad that there is division between even the most enlightened metalheads in the US...the prog fans and the power fans...but it's called the ProgPower Festival! What did you expect?

Every year, I am sure Glenn pulls his hair out trying to balance the line-up between the two genres. I can imagine it's frustrating trying to juggle an even mix. I can see how some may think that the line-ups might lean one way to prog or to power on any given year because some of the bands do not fall directly into the genre sterotypes...but that's a good thing people!

For example, this year, there are not any of your typical power metal bands (melodic, fantasy based, double bass, happy metal). Sure, you've got Tad Morose (love 'em) and Brainstorm (great German metal sound), but that may not be enough to satisfy the traditionalist power metal fan. I felt that last year there were not really any typical prog bands (classical based but somewhat coldly mechanical, mood/tempo changing, frilly wankery). Sure there was Vanden Plas (lighter, more stylized prog, not so rigid) and Sym X (neo-classical shredding prog), but a die-hard Fates or DT fan might turn up their nose at this type of material.

Everyone will say PPIII is a classic line-up...tough to beat. And that's right! Last year, the genres melded together, the lines were blurred so to speak, because of the interesting mix and talent of bands. And that was very cool! This year, the metal is more straightforward, I think. Sure, we've got Dreamscape and POS (which are definite prog, but each of a different color), and Edguy (the current kings of the traditional power metal sound), but the other bands blur the lines a bit. Again...that's a good thing!

Bottom line -- this is not a death metal, or even a "traditional metal" (whatever that is) show. But in this whole realm of Power (which is starting to really become a bastardized lump-sum term) and Prog, and specifically, this ProgPower festival...heavy metal in general is being very well represented this year.

Rock on!
Just because he's gotta basically lay his life on the line for these festivals (which have been, for my accounts, some of the most fun I've had) doesn't mean everyone has to be happy with the line up. I for one, am disappointed in this years lineup as well, but I do appreciate the fact that Glenn worked his balls off to get these bands together.

You people have to understand that negative feedback isn't all bad. I'm disappointed in these bands and this lineup because I don't recognise (m)any of them. Sure, I've heard of PoS, Dreamscape, Tad Morose, and Edguy, but I've never heard anything by them, and if I have in the past, it didn't catch my ear. When this festival comes out, everyone looks for one or two bands that he/she knows, and knows well. If not one band out of the ten that are invited is recognised and loved, it's slightly disappointing. For example, if say.. Freternia or Elvenking or Finntroll or Tuatha De Danann etc etc etc were playing, I would have been absolutely extatic reguardless of the rest of the bands.

I'm disappointed with the lineup because I am not actively a fan of any of the bands in attendance. Will that keep me from the concert? Hell no, not with so many people I know who're going. (The BG forum people, mostly. :D ) If they all weren't going, would I still go? Maybe, but highly doubtful. So, I shall familiarize myself with some of the bands works, and by september, who knows, I may be totally pumped.