Tongue_Ring said:
physical pain makes the emotional pain go away
i used to poke at the nerves instead of the blood vessels where there wouldn't be more than the tiniest drop of blood but it would hurt a thousand times more than the pain you'd feel if you were bleeding out
the physical pain worked as a pain-killer for the emotional pain and it was much more than a mere "distraction" there's actually a chemical change in your blood
sometimes i'd get mesmerized looking at my own blood, but i was always so very careful not to pull out enough for me to bleed out or make it hard for me to wrap it up
hmm, yes, I agree, it releases adrenalin in your blood which makes you feel good and strong and full of life.
Also it makes you feel in control of your pain, if you cut you feel pain, if you don't then you don't feel pain. They can't control the emotional pain but they can control the physical pain
Tongue_Ring said:
i think that any random person can solve any other random person's problems, it's just a matter of having the objectivity of looking at somebody that is not related to you, not sleeping with you, not "connected" to you in any way what so ever where no matter what happens to them, you already know ahead of time that you won't have to ever interact with that person ever again after the moment that you're telling them what to do
Dunno about that, since you don't the person you're trying to help, you don't know his/her reaction so that makes it difficult to give proper advise
My brother tried to overdo it with vodka and tranquilisers once but he got over it
Black Core said:
Dunno about that, since you don't the person you're trying to help, you don't know his/her reaction so that makes it difficult to give proper advise
i really think that any random person off the street could do a dr phil-type show, you'd just need a little warning at the front saying "this person is not a liscensed therapist"
Suicide is an unrational selfish thought and doing. Whoever thinks about it without considering other people, are obviously not worth living. I, am too cynical and hateful to give that kind of credit to people. And at the same time, too loving and sweet to let my nanna and dadda down like that. =P

... Yes.
Tongue_Ring said:
physical pain makes the emotional pain go away
i used to poke at the nerves instead of the blood vessels where there wouldn't be more than the tiniest drop of blood but it would hurt a thousand times more than the pain you'd feel if you were bleeding out
the physical pain worked as a pain-killer for the emotional pain and it was much more than a mere "distraction" there's actually a chemical change in your blood
sometimes i'd get mesmerized looking at my own blood, but i was always so very careful not to pull out enough for me to bleed out or make it hard for me to wrap it up
Using pain to fight pain is stupid.Instead of finding a way not to heart and keep your sanity alive you heart yourself in on other way just to forget the original pain.Its just like cutting off your penis to get over the fact that your dog died.Double damage for no real reason and this is emo.
I cut myself once when I was younger,I just wanted to see how it feels when you are emotionally stressed (and I was very much at that time),didn’t feel much better !
Tongue_Ring said:
i think that any random person can solve any other random person's problems, it's just a matter of having the objectivity of looking at somebody that is not related to you, not sleeping with you, not "connected" to you in any way what so ever where no matter what happens to them, you already know ahead of time that you won't have to ever interact with that person ever again after the moment that you're telling them what to do
Any person can solve a problem as long as he has the maturity,wisdom or experience to deal with it.In a way if that person doesn’t have any connection with the one who is helping just makes hi think clearer since there is no Impact on his decision.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Using pain to fight pain is stupid.Instead of finding a way not to heart and keep your sanity alive you heart yourself in on other way just to forget the original pain.Its just like cutting off your penis to get over the fact that your dog died.Double damage for no real reason and this is emo.

you spelled "heart" instead of "hurt" do you speak aloud with that accent?
i was talking about stabbing nerve pressure points instead of bleeding, so if i'm using a needle instead of a butcher nife, then the damage isn't permanant
you used "Emo" as an insult, and i find that offensive

I cut myself once when I was younger,I just wanted to see how it feels when you are emotionally stressed (and I was very much at that time),didn’t feel much better !
it won't work if you're not doing it properly, it takes a lot of practice to find the right spots that will change the hormonal composition of your blood, if you find the right spot you can feel the chem make-up of your blood changing
Any person can solve a problem as long as he has the maturity,wisdom or experience to deal with it.
aquiring the maturity, wisdom and experience to deal with another's problems, is something comepletely different and often contrary to what is taught in psychology/psychiatry classes, i'm functioning as a therapist for most of the people that know me, and i didn't go to college because i didn't finish high school
In a way if that person doesn’t have any connection with the one who is helping just makes hi think clearer since there is no Impact on his decision.any random person that has reached the cronological age of being considered an adult could do a dr phil show, unless they grew up christian or in the "country"
you spelled "heart" instead of "hurt" do you speak aloud with that accent?

1:English is not my native language and I have apologized many times for being dyslexic and confusing some words that are pronounced the same but mean different things.I also try to reduce that but using MS Word spelling control but sometimes that doesn’t work because there is nothing wrong with the spelling,they are just not what I wanted to write.

2:I do use that accent when I speak coz its not my problem that in English some words can be pronounced in so many ways.So if there are any more problems about not understanding what I post,just let me know do I can feel sorry for not being and English teacher.

i was talking about stabbing nerve pressure points instead of bleeding, so if i'm using a needle instead of a butcher nife, then the damage isn't permanent

3:Pernenent damage is secondary,Just the idea of causing pain to yourself is enough.
When you have a problem you should face it and not try to find something else to worry about.

4:Nife is also spelled as Knife and I didn’t use spelling control to figure that out.

you used "Emo" as an insult, and i find that offensive

5:I think that the word “emo” is an insult.
I did not intend to offend anyone and I apologise if I did,but after reading my post again,I still don’t think that is offensive to you or anybody else.
For example if you use the word “stupid” to say “what you think is stupid”, it doesn’t mean that the person is stupid.
You are free to do as you please as long it doesn’t affect me but you cant expect someone not to say his opinion when he doesn’t agree with that.

it won't work if you're not doing it properly, it takes a lot of practice to find the right spots that will change the hormonal composition of your blood, if you find the right spot you can feel the chem make-up of your blood changing

5:I am not really interesten in knowing how it works
Nemesis_lxix said:
i was talking about stabbing nerve pressure points instead of bleeding, so if i'm using a needle instead of a butcher nife, then the damage isn't permanent

3:Pernenent damage is secondary,Just the idea of causing pain to yourself is enough.
When you have a problem you should face it and not try to find something else to worry about.

Agreed, it doesn't matter if you use a needle or a butcher knife, it's still self-harming yourself