Anyone have a survival cache?

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
...and I don't mean a bunch of guns and shitz. The wife and I stocked up on food, bottled water, water purifier, candles, etc. Just in case. We like to think that if things suddenly got so bad that you had to live off the water you happened to store in your garage, there really wouldnt be much of a point to living anyway. Yet, we both think Americans are in total denial in the face of imminent disaster. Take Katrina for an example. Or even a basic tornado. Americans seem to carry on with the idea that if anything bad happens, the govt will be there to make everything right again...within just a couple hours. The recent gas shortage here was impetus enough. You shouldve seen people - it was ridiculous.

That said, I think it's important to live on a hill in case of a zombie breakout - which I yearn for daily. I can see a hospital 13.5 miles away from the end of my driveway. There are woods in back. It would be easy to just set up a .50 cal and just mow them down...if they could even make it back this far. With a sniper rifle, I could keep them from even getting into the neighborhood.

So, anyone think about this shit or are you just living day to the Mexicans do?

Btw, J., can I have your generator?
i don't. quite honestly, i would take necessities to my property in east texas (26 acres of woods and a small, rundown piece of shit trailer probably infested with a rat colony by now) or to my father in laws lake house which is far away from civilization.

the zombies would probably not find either of them.

and no.
I live day to day.... no worries about imminent zombie attacks on this front. :Smokedev:
I don't have to worry about stocking my own shit around here... the mormons all have rapture stocks. If the mutant apocalypse were to begin, I'd just live off of their shit. They're mormons, they can't be selfish or salvation will not come unto them.
you do know mormons believe they are the only ones that will reach heaven simply because they believe in that john smith lad. sorry dude, you're fucked.
Nah, they have to be charitable and love everyone, and if they have even the slightest bit extra, they have to give you some. Unlike typical christian beliefs, Jesus didn't die for their sins, but died for the chance for humanity to redeem itself. And they don't exactly believe in heaven. There's one place for Non-Believers whom lead a good and charitable life, one place for believers of Christ who are not mormon but lead a good life or mormon and lead a decent life, and of course, the best is for mormons who did everything in their life by the book of mormon (charitable, loving thy neighbor, converting other people, etc.), and they will become a god themselves and rule over a planet with their wive(s) (it used to be 2 of your wives, then it changed to all of them, then it changed to WIFE when the US Goverment wouldn't grant Utah statehood due to the whole polygamy thing) and children for all eternity.

I learned EVERYTHING about the mormons in my 2 years or so of public school here (which is essentially going to church, except that the actual church is right next door). As far as I know, they have to share with me their blessing of their stock in order to secure their right as a god. And who wouldn't want to be a god?!

BTW, for those who get into that second heaven? You'll be granted back to earth once it is 'purified' (see: genocide of the blacks and jews) enough for Jesus Christ to reign atop his raptor mount.
The wife and I were discussing this the other day. I never knew there were two version of the rapture. I always thought that everyone believed they would be taken up into heaven and leave intelligent people like myself behind. But she said there was an entirely different faction - mainly these Mormons that you speak of - who would be coming back to Earth...or some crazy they would find me sitting there eating all their food and jerking off to their secret porn collections.
I don't think any of that kind of stuff will come in handy. An axe maybe. I should get one.
dont know anything about SOG. The glass breaker would come in handy if you were in law enforcement.
I have all Cold Steel knives. Although my next carry/work knife will be a Benchmade
Nope. I sure don't. A surprising amount of people in Japan did (mostly in case of earthquakes). One student told me about a friend of hers who during an earthquake her first priority was not securing herself, her family, nor the survival pack but to put on make-up. I can't make too much fun of that though because I'm sure a ton of women here in the South would do the same thing.