Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

^is this one of the guys that listens to moonsorrow? bh
lmao, copying opinions? fact is, when someone is as stupid and trite as you and the rest of the UM tard crew, you should expect to see lots of opinions that are approximately the same: "you suck"
saut: do you mean me? what the hell are you talking about?

nfu: opeth do have some memorable riffing going on, awesom vocals and melodies...
their construction style is just different from beatles...
do you think the reason they dont us it is because they can´t?... And in cas you haven´t noticed, the do have a strukture they often´s just different from the reguilar... that kind of struckturing is common in progressiv music... and 70´s prog is very memorable music isn´t it?
beatles are better becaus they use the same kind of struckturing as everyone else?
growling is also a nice ability that should be used if done well, as any other vocal style.
i like how all you morons instantly jump on the "NFU must hate opeth" bandwagon simply because i said theyre not better than the beatles. if that isnt a fucking TEXT BOOK CASE of hopeless noob fanboyism...then i dont know what the fuck IS! I like Opeth. have for longer than just about any of you. and i still like the band. but i know what they are...and i know what they arent. so please sit down, get educated...and S...T...F...U!

edit: yea...the beatles use very similar structuring as everyone else. much like the entire sgt. peppers, abbey road and magical mystery tour albums. such cookie cutter works right? fucking MORON. if ANYTHING...ANY FUCKING THING...that "cliched" structure you speak of is BECAUSE OF THE BEATLES. seriously, do i need to wipe your ass too and tell you to eat your broccoli? jesus tap dancing christ.

edit edit: btw...Opeth have NO structure at hardly innovative. or makes them beyond the beatles or anyone else. theyre not the first to meander all over the place musically. just fyi for the noob crew 2006.
illdurit: i have argued with these kind of moron "fans" spitting on a band and thinking they know best to be able to tell that it is more than common... when they start lacking ground to arguments you can easily tell... and fuck you very much too.

Nfu: by the way, what the hell are you doing on a opeth forum all day long...trying to convinse people of how meaningless opeth are?
and by the way...a person that loves bands like the beales, stones and credence, is not the one to tell what´s overrated :p
illidurit said:
wow it's like talking to a wall sculpted from the feces of a down syndrome infant

it truly is. again...he thinks im putting Opeth down. when really hes the one putting the beatles down essentially. he says Opeth are surpassing the beatles...then lectures me on things that are overrated. this is absolutely mind numbing.

edit: then the spelling wiz says Opeth's "struckture" is too complicated for me to understand. i about shat out my heart from laughing so hard at that statement. the hilarity of it all being mike says so often how he just sits...and writes parts, then puts them together. this kid is clutching at straws worse than the FBI busting in on bill clinton at a nudie bar.
but you are a retard and don´t understand that what i´m saying is based on my opinnions... i´m basically not telling you anything... it is my opinnion and mine alone...and you keep arguing my opinnion?... the beatles are overrated...but not bad at all... there´s a difference...

yes there´s a lot of riff gluing... but it´s the usual way for progressive music... but there is often struckture in their music... not that it matters anyway... then there´s the usual strucktured opeth songs that are way down in my list... it just seems to me that you have overlistened them and therefore putting them down...
i have overlistened them too... but i still dont slip away from the fact that their music is very good.
illdurit: i was writing my post while he posted that about him not having anything against opeth... so shut the fuck up and stay out of this conversation if you have nothing constructive to say
without the Beatles there would probably be no Opeth so I guess it sums it up...

BTW, apart from the typical songs with an easily visible structure like Harvest, Atonement or Isolation years, many Opeth songs after MAYH actually do have some sort of structure - not that you can predict what's coming but the songs seem to return to some ideas which kind of makes them choruses...

but it changes nothing in the overall argument so carry on if you will...
HaloPhenomenon said:
yes...without the beatles we would not have a lot of things we love about music...therefore they get overrated...the same goes for black sabbath.

funny youre mentioning sabbath AND the beatles in an "overrated" context on the "Opeth" forum. it works on so many levels.

i think we should talk about how amazing Tool is, and then talk about how overrated King Crimson is.

then maybe we can shift gears into the genius of Porcupine Tree. Then we can talk about how overrated Pink Floyd, and Ash Ra Tempel are.

it will be Noobfest 2006' everyone bring your tickets!!

*Get yer programs, heah! get yer programs!!*
you got a thick skull don´t you... you still keep telling me these "facts"...
yes i think pink floyd are good...but overrated... yes i think steven wilson is a genious... i haven´t heard much tool, but i think they are good too... king krimson are good, but not my taste... never heard of ash ra tempel...but i shall check them out. now you´re going to tell me that my opinnion is wrong?
HaloPhenomenon said:
you got a thick skull don´t you... you still keep telling me these "facts"...
yes i think pink floyd are good...but overrated... yes i think steven wilson is a genious... i haven´t heard much tool, but i think they are good too... king krimson are good, but not my taste... never heard of ash ra tempel...but i shall check them out. now you´re going to tell me that my opinnion is wrong?

Porcupine Tree could possibly be one of the most overated bands ive heard. Especially the last few releases have been so boring and sterile. Pink Floyd arent Overated at all, They deserve all the recognition and praise they get. Thats a Fact.
Wow I disagree there (about PT). Although Deadwing was pretty lacklustre and generally crap, I think In Absentia was great. Wedding Nails is one of the best instrumentals to come out of PT, and Trains sounds just as new as the first time every time I hear it.
daz436 said:
Wow I disagree there (about PT). Although Deadwing was pretty lacklustre and generally crap, I think In Absentia was great. Wedding Nails is one of the best instrumentals to come out of PT, and Trains sounds just as new as the first time every time I hear it.

I agree...

But I also agree that PT is a bit overrated and does release generic and uninteresting stuff at times... I still like them though