Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

Opeth is my favorite band of all time, and they are the only band i would ever get tatood on my body, however every tatoo ive seen depicting opeth was just the "O" or the Opeth logo. Anyone have photos of their own tattoos or can throw me some good ideas? I'm not entirely sure i want to do this yet but i just wanted some ideas and feedback! Thanks.
seems like the logo is overused. if i was to ever get an opeth tattoo it would be the bwp cover artwork and the edges would be dissolved looking, not just a box w/ the cover art in it.
I remember seeing a picture on the official Opeth website of a dude with the Still Life art tattooed on his shoulder. It looked pretty cool.
second that, do something based on the GR cover.
the candles and the silhouette figure in front of those windows.
would look great in b/w, just don't have your guy cover the neg space in black, that's a lot of ink...
np: Summoning - Stronghold
i recently made a trip to a local tattoo parlour, which was recommended to me to be the best there is werei live.
simply put, i want the opeth 'o', to be a precise a possible the 'o' would be about 4-4 & half inches then obviioulsly the rest of the 'swirly' bits
now, this guy told me there would be 'bleed' and for example sake he said the bits in the middle of the o would turn into one black block over a period of 5-6months. His only suggestion was to get it TWICE the size i wanted, is he trying to make his job easier or is he simply not tallented enough to complete such an intricate tattoo
i have seen the tattoo on the opeth website on countless people so if someone oin the know about these things could give me there opinion on this matter it would be much appreciated.
Why don't you get a Darkthrone tattoo instead? Not only would it look super cool but you would also be demostrating the doppler effect, which would make you hugely popular with the ladies*

*Justin S. and Scourge of God