Anyone live in south east england?

TheFaceOfAllYourFears said:
Yeah. If you do, could you give me some details of any clubs that have live bands play there. Yeah, Thanks.
How come? Moving or visiting? When you say South East, do you mean East Anglia, Greater London, London, Kent and the surrounding counties, or just Kent?

I hear so many definitions - I come from either East Anglia, or the South East, or London, or Essex, depending on who you speak to - and for a while I lived in the North/Yorkshire/West Yorkshire/Leeds/Somewhere inbetween Scotland and London. I'd say I'm from the home counties. :p
I live in south east england!! erm there arent many places to play, but then again i only really know surrey, for venues but, all i can say is never play the Agincourt, Camberely! its crap!!
