

Jan 20, 2004
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anyone remember Patricia (their webmaster(webmistress? :p) back then) saying the site would be back with the forum? ...

It's been like 2 years and haven't heared anything! Would be nice to have a dedicated Arcturus forum again..

Anyone who can contact her?
I know this is a Borknagar forum, but I think most people here talk about Arcturus all the time. This place is safe for it, I think. Maybe we can just get the ARCTURUS thread going! Provided the Borky folks approve. =)

After all, most Borky fans are Arcturus fans, it's Vortex's legacy!
Yeah we could make this an official Arcturus thread :p

Anyone, shame there are so few live shows around... Would love to hear Kinetic 'n stuff live, only seen one video which was from Greece but the quality ain't too good..
Rivfadír;7554154 said:
Well, seeing as the band broke up, I don't foresee their website coming back ever again.

The band is gone, therefor the website is too.
There's not gone forever ;) At least I hope not. They might comeback someday, 3 bands members have even said that themselves.
Ask MetalAges if he'll create a new Arcturus forum here.
You have to pay for forums... we could all pool our money though in a paypal and purchase one. Its an idea, I'm down for 10 bucks.
^ How much would we have to pay? And is it per-year, month or what?

If you're really serious about this I can help too :) (I have Paypal too).

I don't think a forum would be really necessary, I guess it's more of a way to give a tribute to the band.

And I would gladly participate :) .
I'm up to pay a bit too so we can get an Arcturus forum up. Always nice to have one I think.

They have no plans to get back together, maybe in a few years if they got material for a new album.
^ How much would we have to pay? And is it per-year, month or what?

If you're really serious about this I can help too :) (I have Paypal too).

I don't think a forum would be really necessary, I guess it's more of a way to give a tribute to the band.

And I would gladly participate :) .

Yeah I agree, I want to have a place to talk about the band without hi-jacking the Borknagar forum. :lol:

Past their peak tbh.
I really disagree... OPINIONS FTW!
I'm up to pay a bit too so we can get an Arcturus forum up. Always nice to have one I think.

They have no plans to get back together, maybe in a few years if they got material for a new album.
Yeah you definitely need to be involved.

^ So can anyone look up the prices and stuff please? :)

UM Forum Hosting

Promote your band to tens of thousands of visitors a month! Official, fan, label and zine forums welcome.
Bands:$60 US/year
Labels:volume rates available
Indie bands: $40 US/year

So depending on where we want it to be listed, under the main band list or the indie band listing, it will cost 40-60 USD. Not bod imo, everyone who pitches in should be given a mod status. I'm down for 15-20 bucks. I'll ask Deron actually.
I'm completly against this. It isn't right if someone from the band isn't sanctioning it. And by that I don't mean approval, but having something to do with the board.

I'll make Deron a counter offer to make sure it doesn't happen.
Why would you do such a dick thing :lol: I already know Deron doesn't like unofficial band forums but if they're disbanded I don't see the harm and I can;t imagine what offer you could make... unless you pay him 60 bucks NOT to make it :lol:, besides there's nothing against fan-forums... so :D
I think we should just keep the discussion in here. I mean, it's not like this forum is drowning in activity as it is. And I assure you, and Arcturus-forum here would be no different. It might even move slower, due to the fact that no news will ever be brought up.

What would you discuss there anyway?