Are American metal bands really inferior?

Nov 30, 2005
I sense that is the opinion of many metal fans, although it is not often said. Usually people tend to gravitate towards metal bands from Scandinavia and other parts of Western Europe, while bands from the US are consistently bashed or ignored.
Some of my favorite bands are American. But I think the fact that metalcore is an american pheomenon makes the American metal scene seem far worse than it really is. Bands like As I Lay Dying, Bleeding Through, Trivium, etc. are some of the very worst bands in metal these days.
America is great at thrash and death, there is also a rising and great black metal scene as well.

The sheer fact that we have Agalloch makes us nearly better than every country =P
america's been releasing some quality Black metal too...Judas Iscariot, Xasthur, and Leviathan to name a few.

I think it's more, we haven't caught up yet. The whole grunge thing and whatever happened in the late 90s set us back a bit in terms of rolling out metal bands. And yeah, we've been labelled the country of metalcore (unfortunately)
I think American bands are a little more straightforward than European bands. This has given birth to some good Death Metal such as Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation. Also we own thrash. However all this is tarnished by all the crap we turn out in the form of metalcore and numetal.

The Europeans, especially Scandanavia do melodic, melodic death, and black metal better than we do. This imho is just as worthy as American Death and thrash metal even if I don't like it as much. However their image is not tarnished by the boatload of crap we have, and therefore people usually think of European metal as being greater than American metal.

I hope that made sense :)
i really like american death metal.i think though that the best black metal comes from overseas and some really good thrash and punk came out of canada
I have noticed that I listen to European Metal moreso than American Metal... And sometimes I do outright say 'European is better than American". However, I haven't listened to enough to say that with complete assurance.
America wins at Thrash and American stlyed Power Metal (lolz) (see: Jag Panzer, Omen, cool shit like that). America puts out quality bands in all genres. Not the best at all genres, but certainly worthy contributors. I'd say their weakest link is actually Black Metal, especially in comparison.
IOfTheStorm said:
What the thread starter said is true, but the best bands in almost every metal subgenre come from america.
Well, it can be argued that this is true for death metal and thrash metal, but the best black metal bands (or power metal bands, for that matter) DEFINITELY come from Europe.
I think it comes down to personal preference. Different regions have their own sounds (for the most part) and it just comes down to what appeals to you. Personally I far prefer black and death metal from Europe than America. With modern doom it's really a mixed bag, with trad doom and 80s heavy metal stuff, I really haven't heard enough to make a call.

But give me Scandinavian death metal over Deicide or Morbid Angel any day.

edit: I'm in agreement over USBM being primarly shit. Then again, so is most black metal these days.
Life Sucks said:
I can't decide whether I like America or Europe better for death metal. But in every other genre, Europe is by far better, from black metal to thrash to doom to power.

The only European thrash I can think of is Kreator. Are they really better than Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, Exodus etc.?
well apparently mr. life sucks thinks so and i'm not going to argue with that opinion

i can see why if you prefer the more extreme, deathlike style of thrash you would prefer the germans to bay area/new york thrash, for instance