Are American metal bands really inferior?

The US is too inconsistent with their death metal. Bolt Thrower and Incantation are my favourite death metal bands, but on the flipside I'd much rather listen to Grave or Dismember than say, Obituary, Suffocation or Disgorge.

I think, on average, I prefer European metal. That isn't to say that America hasn't produced some superb heavy metal (it clearly has; Slough Feg, the Thrash bands, the Florida DM bands) - but I prefer the relative inventiveness of European metal.

Part of the problem is that each massive "trend" seems to originate state side - the fal out of which is that we, in the UK, get a trillion washed out wannabe bands that try and get on the band wagon. You truly haven't experienced the horror of Nu-metal unless you've seen some teens from Wolverhampton put on a faux Californian drawl and whine on about how their dad won't give them any pocket money.

Perhaps Patriotism plays its part for me; I've always had a soft spot for British metal, whether that be Priest, Sabbath or Maiden or relative newcomers like Gorerotted, Screamin' Daemon or Sons of Slaughter. It doesn't hurt that Carcass were British, of course.

...after all of which, chances are, if it's good, I'll listen to it.
American death metal past 93,94 is worthless. Music for europe & other countries any day.

Our newer death metal scene is horrifying. We have a lot of brutal whigger death metal bands & suffocation clones. I do not even look into a death metal albums unless it's from the early 90's being obscure. Usually those albums happen to be from europe or finland > I'M STUPID!!!

Who knows maybe those countries have the same problem now. I have not looked into newer death metal enough from those countries.
Erik said:

It's early in the morning... my bad. I know finland is in europe but that's just how my brain distiguished music i've heard inside europe by seperating them even though places like norway,sweden,finland are all in europe touching.

Just say i'm listening to grave,entombed,dismember from sweden forget how closely linked it is to say bands like demigod,adramelech,funebre,demlich because the word SWEDEN sounds like it's own seperate country to say finland even though both are in europe. I don't even know if i'm saying finland death metal bands names corretly but swedish bands seem more english to me so both don't even seem like they are from the same country. The word funebre,adramelech makes no sense to me when seeing it not registering as anything in my head.... where dismember,entombed do. All these bands languages are not originally english(probably) but swedish bands seem more like american bands. How come some bands from the same country use american culture more then their own country when say english is probably their second language.

this probably makes no sense
IOfTheStorm said:
Doom: If Europe had 3 GRAND doom metal bands, usa had 10. And other things.
nah, i don't agree. probably because i include SUB-GENRES OF DOOM METAL like death-doom & funeral doom into the equation. :cool: still, even in only trad/epic doom, europe has lots of fucking great bands:

pagan altar
mirror of deception
spiritus mortis
lamented souls
thee plague of gentlemen


yeah you get the point

again: certainly not enough not to make me go "well usa is better" even if they have plenty of amazing bands too