Are humans inherently evil?

we're evil in the same way a wolf is evil, we just have a problem with it just because we're smart enough to realize we're evil, a wolf doesn't feel any kind of guilt when he eats a human

So the wolf is evil ? Such as ? AND the wolf eats humans ? When exactly did this take place ? I'm beginning to get suspicious about a few things here :zombie:
I have nothing to "debate" and fail to see what it is Im supposed to "justify".

The belief that a significant portion of your moral intuitions aren't the result of conditioning. This ain't rocket science, pal.

And no, propositions like "It just seems so obvious to me", "I haev indapendant thought!!1", or the little question-begging gem "Because I dont think that if I grew up in the middle east that I would enjoy treating woman like an object and possession" do not constitute justifications.

You think people cant possibly see past their society

Excuse me? When did I ever make such a claim? Oh that's right, NEVER.
Holy fucking wedgy !

So whats that mean ? If we werent conditioned we would be stuffing hands in toasters and think its just fine ? Revert back to our monkey ways ? Live the life glorified in gore flicks ? Christ you all sound just like the preachers you condemn, "we were all born to sin" Agree with "we were all born inherently evil" and you are agreeing with the bible.

Oh... how very interesting

speak for yourselves, I was not born evil and evil is not an invented notion, wrong is not an invented notion, bad is not an invented notion, they are just words used to describe such actions same as we have words to describe everything else.
Accepting that you are the way you are in part because of the culture you were born into, only entails the 'born to sin' crap if you believe in 'evil' as some absolute unchangeable 'thing'. Such an absolute existence of 'evil' does not reconcile with an acceptance of the term as a created descriptive word - created and used by people who are created and influenced by their surroundings. To suppose it is created equal amongst disparate viewpoints is quite a leap.
Holy fucking wedgy !

So whats that mean ? If we werent conditioned we would be stuffing hands in toasters and think its just fine ?

No, that would be completely illogical.

Revert back to our monkey ways ? Live the life glorified in gore flicks ? Christ you all sound just like the preachers you condemn, "we were all born to sin" Agree with "we were all born inherently evil" and you are agreeing with the bible.

I'm not saying we're inherently evil.

speak for yourselves, I was not born evil and evil is not an invented notion, wrong is not an invented notion, bad is not an invented notion, they are just words used to describe such actions same as we have words to describe everything else.

You're not inherently evil, razor. Words are only given meaning by the people who use them. If we hadn't evolved to such a level of cognitive reasoning, the notion of evil would not exist. The notion of evil doesn't exist among the animal kingdom. However, I'm not likening us to animals. Human beings are remarkable in that we have the mental capacity to create this idea of good and evil, and morality. We have the ability to debate over whether or not what we do is evil. However, despite all this, evil is still measured and defined purely by what we as a human race deem "evil." There is no universal standard for what is evil. We breathe life into the words we speak, the morals we create; and thus, they exist.

As I said, there is no notion of evil among animals. The human race has taken an evolutionary step and created this notion of evil, and constantly argues over what it means, and what consitutes "evil." Now, our next evolutionary step is recognizing that "evil" is in fact our own creation, and that there is no universal norm governing its bounds.
Man is different than other mammals in that some are capable of doing some really crappy stuff. There are examples of this in the animal kingdom but they evolve around breeding rights and territory. In areas this is continued by man as one tries to percievably advance themselves. On the other hand there is just some really sick mofos out there, this does not exist in the animal kingdom.

Once again bad is not a notion, its a descriptive word defining an action.
through rational independent thinking

"would it be bad if I stuck the cat in the microwave ?" "Ah gee, Fred maybe the cat would enjoy it" "Ok Barney, lets do it" "ah gee Fred, the cat doesnt look too happy"
yet your 'rational independent thinking' leads, according to you, to the exact same use of the word 'evil' as everyone else? What need is there for rational independent thinking if it takes everyone to the same point?
I dont know, going back weeks and pages it seems to me much was said along the lines of evil not existing because in some societies or even some minds... lets say we have a society of cat microwavers, therefore its good not evil. So Im will remain independent of this train of thought and apply mine more rationally.

Take for example the days of human sacrifice, some will want to say this was a socially excepted ritual. I say bullshit, it was a bunch of wack jobs satisfying their blood lust followed by their flock of lame sheep.
Take for example the days of human sacrifice, some will want to say this was a socially excepted ritual. I say bullshit, it was a bunch of wack jobs satisfying their blood lust followed by their flock of lame sheep.

In some societies people went willingly to the alter to be sacrificed. It doesn't seem so crazy when you vehemently believe that the gods will bestow rains upon your crops if you give up a few human lives. It had nothing to do with blood lust. I know you say "fuck books, just go with what you feel." But really razor, reading some anthropology/history texts couldn't hurt you.
I dont need to read that stuff, Im aware of most thats important. I did say flock of sheep. Here again is another example of mans failure to apply independent thought. Someone dies - it rains.... alrighty then. Why didnt they just find a bunch of spiders to squish ? [for those that never heard it, it was a old saying "dont kill a spider it will rain"] So how was it these people came up with the idea that killing their own would be good for things ? Couldnt have been some wack job... no ?
Trying to compare human beings to animals is really a bad example. Since humans are pretty unique.

humans are only unique in our inteligence
we are still animals when it comes to our base instincts, this is the explination for why laws need to exist, for every law that exists, there is going to be someone having the inclination to break that law, because underneath the new knowledge and uniquely high inteligence we are still the same animals we've always been
humans are only unique in our inteligence
we are still animals when it comes to our base instincts, this is the explination for why laws need to exist, for every law that exists, there is going to be someone having the inclination to break that law, because underneath the new knowledge and uniquely high inteligence we are still the same animals we've always been

partially true, I still believe four leggers have alot going on we do not.

You are correct about our instincts to revert to natural instincts when it comes to protecting our territory. However laws prohibit this, must be more of that "intelligence" thing. At the same time we have truely sick individuals, which is a mutation, even glorified, protected by humans loss of natural selection, laws, and elimination of predators. AIDS and other viruses along with the automobile are humans only remaining checks and balances. We have denied the circle of life, so mutations abound.
You are correct about our instincts to revert to natural instincts when it comes to protecting our territory. However laws prohibit this, must be more of that "intelligence" thing.

What laws? In Florida, if someone comes on your property (with malicious intent) and you command them to "stop," then they proceed to try and run away, you have the right to shoot them in the back while they run.

There are laws protecting people's property. It's greedy manipulative lawyers who find ways to protect criminals.
Well thats good for Florida, not that way here. I love the one where the illegals family recieved a very large settlement for being shot in Texas. I guess our judicial system figured it could not allow the large percentage of Americans doing what they really would like to do with these people, so again no deterrent, it all becomes our burden to bear.
Those kinds of decisions are created usually because of a certain case. Lawyers are necessary to society, I believe; but there are some who rape the law and manipulate it to win cases. This happens far too much. It's not Texas's judiciary system so much as it is the lawyers who represent criminals. They see an opportunity to make money and pounce upon it. I recall one case where a thief sued the owners of a house he was breaking into, because when he tried to climb into the window he fell and hurt himself somehow. That's bullshit.
Im not sure how this aspect of law works but I cant see making any excuses for Judges that award settlements. I dont believe there are jurors involved for law suits but maybe, if so then you have actual citizens falling for the crap. So my feelings are that we have one great big buddy system that exists within the ivy leaguers that are doing little more than supporting their own economic interests in the form of job security. You have "law makers"(gov), Judges(gov) and lawyers and they all make a pretty good buck playing this game. Its doubtful anyone could ever convince me otherwize. I have even heard first hand accounts of lawyers telling clients "we would not make laws we couldnt get around".

Have you ever wondered why recording of court procedures, police interviews, and departmental interviews are not allowed ? I know all the excuses of "electronic tampering" but then why not simply use multiple recordings ? I had the misfortune of having to sit in court over complete and utter nonsence and frankly it was painful and an extreme insult to my intelligence, to me the entire group from the department, to their lawyers, to the judges were utter morons and behaved as such. Now, one would assume that these people could not possible be morons, so what the fuck was going on ? Job security and self validation of needed purpose, that was what was going on. Its pathetic in my eyes and will always be but its never going to stop.