Are the masses content or just naive?

To most people music is wallpaper sound. A friend and I asked people on another forum if they really listen to music they're all like "Yeah, I listen to it sometimes." and turn around worshipping blink-182. This is because they really know nothing about the music they listen to.

Then when you convert them to metal bands it doesn't sound the same so they dislike it, but in time they enjoy. A friend of mine is getting quite into death metal these days after a year of listening with disgust. Don't force your friends to listen to your music though. Usually when people ask me about what I listen to or what the band on my shirt is like I don't really answer because these are the same kids who though St. Anger was good, heavy, badass, what have you. They'll look at black metal and say "what the fuck is this crap?" or something equally lame anyways.
My girlfriend, whom I've been seeing for about a year now, used to never understand why I liked extreme metal. She's a trained opera/classical singer so when I would play her Morbid Angel or Dissection or something she would say to me " I can't understand how you like this stuff." However, over time she has gradually come to apprciate underground metal and she even likes some of it. She recognizes the musical talent inherent in much metal music. The main problem was that she was never exposed to real metal. She only thought of metal as Slipknot and Mudvayne which is why she hated it.
I first started listening to extreme music about the time the first slipknot album came out. It was popular, so most people had heard it. I was diehard korn fan- converted from rap fan because of the hip-hop elements. I had been a rap fan because my friends were rap fans, and that's what I had been exposed to. My first listen of that album- I hated it but admired that it was heavy. It was the heaviest thing I had ever heard and too much going on to appreciate at first(funny huh?) but I kept listening because one of my friends liked it and eventually I started to like it. I then proceeded to consider this music superior to "the mainstream" I had listened to before(even though it was mainstream) and for the next year or so I would find bands JUST before they started getting radio play and going completely mainstream. Mudvayne's l.d. 50 was to me- the most complex, deep metal out there and I liked to think I was better then everyone else for listening to "scary" music. My first exposure to anything remotely underground was In Flames, and I don't even remember where I heard it. I like it right away, but was surprised to see the reviews saying they were "selling out" as I had thought it very underground. About two weeks later I stumbled upon opeth while searching for "otep" on kazaa and downloaded the album by mistake. I didn't have the patience the first listen but I was struck by the beauty right away. I started listening to it habitually and got quite obsessed. I continued exploring new music via the internet with Opeth as the standard to meet, and eventually stumbled onto the opeth message board and UM where I was quite humbled. I've found countless good bands via recommendations from here and my collection of real metal is now far greater then the few "nu-metal" cds I still have. It all took time to acquire the taste. When all you've heard is mainstream, anything remotely heavy just sounds like a wall of sound at first. But once you get it, everything else sounds thin. I guess I'm a prime example of nu-metal fan boy turned metalhead.
bmh said:
That's a very accurate description.

Most people see music as just something that occasionally comes along in the form of hummable catchiness and then fades away. I'd say they're just content with that sort of quick fix, simplicity thing and it's pretty useless trying to turn them onto real metal. If they want something on a higher level they'll find it.

However, metal is getting further exposure with the likes of In Flames, Dimmu Borgir and Nightwish becoming popular with everyday kids and on the Billboard charts. Perhaps we will see a rise in people taking interest in more complex music.

Or maybe I'll eat my hat.

Those three bands have PLENTY of hummable catchiness, which is why they are getting popular.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Those three bands have PLENTY of hummable catchiness, which is why they are getting popular.

But substantially more talent on display than nu-metal, no?
It is an improvement.
Necro Joe said:
Most people just don't care that much about music and don't have the desire to go digging around in an underground scene. Some of the most intelligent people I know listen to music that is popular and are perfectly content with it.

Exactly. I'm probably more of a musical purist than you are, though....hence I didn't include the last part of the post...>_>
bmh said:
However, metal is getting further exposure with the likes of In Flames, Dimmu Borgir and Nightwish becoming popular with everyday kids and on the Billboard charts. Perhaps we will see a rise in people taking interest in more complex music.
But these kids do not listen to it because it is more "complex", they listen to it because it is now cool to do so.

And as V.V.V.V.V. said, all three are very catchy.
Caelum Adustum said:
But these kids do not listen to it because it is more "complex", they listen to it because it is now cool to do so.

Now I think about it, I agree. Every kid I've seen on (non-metal) forums suddenly seemed to jump on the Nightwish bandwagon about the same time - after the 'Nemo' video was deemed cool and I guess the word spread that they're the flavor of the moment. The positive side to this is that some kids may decide to check out further music in this direction.
Yes, I'm sure there's at least 1% of the people that actually think it's great and decide to look deeper, but the other 99% are just trying to fit into whatever social circle.
Caelum Adustum said:
Yes, I'm sure there's at least 1% of the people that actually think it's great and decide to look deeper, but the other 99% are just trying to fit into whatever social circle.

I think that's a very reductionist way of looking at it. I don't debate your figures, but rather that many people listen to a style of music SOLELY because they want to fit into a social scene. I'm sure that's part of it for some if not most of that 99%, but in addition to that, they must at least passively enjoy the music. I doubt many are so superficial as to listen to music they dislike just to fit in. Maybe I'm too optimistic ;).
I have an interesting story about this. It may not be 100% on topic but its close.

About a year and a half ago I got into "real" metal via In Flames RTR. I've since found that RTR was a horrible album compared to both theirs and other bands' albums. At first I will admit I still had the stupid mainstreamer attitude of "If it's heavy and has a good sound I like it." It was at this time that I openly admitted that I loved Devourment and Cradle of Filth. \

Thankfully I've shed that shell of mainstream/fanboyism and defined my musical tastes by what I know and feel is good music. Which, puts me at odds with a lot of you here at the boards but I'm fine with that. I'm certain the vast majority of you have a brain of your own and are not fanboys/girls.

As for my story... I found it odd. A year back, while playing a free online game that I was driven to by sheer boredom, I met a guy who was talking about how he loves punk. When I was about to lay into him about his pathetic choice in music he started saying things like, "Not that crappy shit on the radio like Simple Plan." I took it upon myself to show him the realm of metal. Oddly enough, when uploaded to him the bulk of Bathory's Nordland he went fucking nuts over it. To me, Bathory isn't a terribly easy band to connect to... especially if you are into less-than-well-known punk. Interesting how we all get "bridged" into the "real deal" of music in different ways.
That bit about you liking what YOU feel is good music kind of contradicts your eagerness to flame that guys taste in music.
bmh said:
But substantially more talent on display than nu-metal, no?
It is an improvement.

No, not by much, really. And even if it is more technical and complex, it is still aimed towards kids who will buy into anything catchy.
Death's Acre said:
That bit about you liking what YOU feel is good music kind of contradicts your eagerness to flame that guys taste in music.

You didn't pay attention. Note... this was quite a while ago. Now that I think about it, it's still not really contradictory.
Haha, your right I totally skimmed it. Missed the fanboy part, which changed the meaning quite a bit.
Guardian of Darkness said:
People who aren't too interested in music won't have the time or patience to get something out of good music.
Yes, most dont take music that seriously like us. They're just content with something pleasing or something they say "has a good beat" to nod their heads to. They can't go into it any deeper most of the time but I dont feel like forcing them my taste in music.
Allwithinmymonster, what the hell is going on here? God I havent seen your posts in months, but all the sudden you are intelligent.
Christie_fell said:
So, basically what you're saying is that you started to go deeper into music when other's were telling you what was "better". You see, THIS is why I think the masses listen to the mainstream pop/rap/hiphop/r&b/etc.. of today: it's a popularity contest. Everything is. When someone likes something, it's inevitable that another person will go off to see what it's like, and, even though they MAY disagree, keep that to themselves, and force it upon themselves to like it. Since Johnny likes Eminem, and Johnny is COOL, Eminem is cool! Also, it's a sense of fraternity, in a way, I suppose. When riding in the car with fellow girlfriends, one would like to sing along with them to their precious Avril Lavigne and John Mayer. And since no one likes to be left out, they do what they perceive as the cool thing to do.

The only reason you, WNxScythe, got into metal, was because you were told how "poser"-like the music you were listening to was. You didn't like being a poser. Sorry if I'm picking on you, just using you as an example, nothing personal. You're not the only one.

And this isn't the only reason the masses listen to that shit out there on the billboards. Just one that I can see clearly. Personally, I like it this way. Just a better way to clear out the dumbfucks of our society.

Ok... totally WRONG interpretation (well not completely but pretty freaking close)...

I have ALWAYS liked the heavy sound of guitars and drums and bass since I was well... listening to music in the first place. I got into metal thru Linkin Park in a way... yes even tho they're nu-metal, it still got me into the "general area" of metal. I did not get into metal because I didn't like being a poser. If this was true I'd be listening to classical music right now, since quite obviously it's the only form of music that is completely not-poserish at all, being developed centuries over centuries (and indeed, perhaps a millenium) and since it's the most complexely technical music you can get. But I'm not listening to classical, because I find classical to be too "lite". I hope that one day I will find THE classical music sub-genre that satisfies my need for something abit more heavy because that way I will be able to fully appreciate the genius of classical music.

The accusations of being a poser led me to investigate what these people were talking about. I was curious as to why "my" music was being bashed. I wanted to know if these people were right. I guess you could say I don't "stand by my tastes", but since I'm fairly open-minded towards people saying to me flat out "You're wrong bud", I decided to see if they were indeed right. And they were, as I soon discovered.

If I was really interested in being popular I'd still be listening to Linkin Park, the current rave along with Eminem and the other crap.

But I'm kinda of a noncomformist type of person anyways... I find some sickly delight in being different :loco: :ill:

So why did I get into metal?

1. I like (and have ALWAYS liked) heavy distorted guitars, bass, drums. It psyches me up (especially useful for when I work out, since I'm about to join the Army, and I need to be in freaking good shape).
2. I'm a nonconformist/loner
3. I'm open minded when being told my tastes/beliefs/whatever are crap. I investigate the person(s)'s accusation and if I find they're correct, well... my tastes evolve... I'm sure by the time I'm 35 or something my tastes will be far more developed then now. Perhaps by then I'll be listening to Jazz, Classical, and everything else worthy of listening to along with metal.

But dood, trust me... I do not listen to metal just to not be a poser!!! Besides, I've been called a poser plenty of times to listening to supposedly poser metal bands (example: Killswitch Engage, Kalmah, etc...) that I like, regardless of their "kvltness". In fact, I even like Trance (a sub-genre of techno in case you don't know)... and you CAN BET that I've been called a poser for being a metalhead who likes trance!!

So if I truly went with your philosiphy of desperately trying to avoid being labeled a poser, I would only be listening to obscure BM bands no one's ever heard of.
speed said:
Allwithinmymonster, what the hell is going on here? God I havent seen your posts in months, but all the sudden you are intelligent.

Not intelligent, just better. Which is intelligent for him. Definitely on my "Most Improved Users In GMD" list.