Are the masses content or just naive?

skullz666 said:
I'm sure you find this amusing,i'm sure your sides have exploded and all your insides are running down the walls (one can only hope),however in reality (and i hate to break the bad news) you're a wankstain.

And hopefully with any luck your body will fill up with tumours and you'll die a very slow painful death someday,with no family to mourn your most welcome departure.

*amusing. I'm
*hope). However, in reality
* Don't start sentences with "And."
Ok i get it,this guy is not for real.
Cythraul is a forum robot that checks spelling and grammer,damn! technology is getting good today,youve got computer program's that can pretend to be forum members,this is great!
keep it up terminator,i'll be back to see what else i got wrong and learn the errors of my ways for a brighter future.
Without having read any of the replies and making this as short as possible because I've been up all night against my will:

Metal is an inaccessable genre. Not only that, but most of it lacks the subtlety you can find in a really good post-punk, alt rock, indie, etc. band. (I know I'm going to catch a lot of shit for that but oh well)

When it comes to modern metal, I think a lot of kids just can't relate to songs about winterdemons, necrosathan, decimating christendom, vikings, or trolls playing polka metal. It just doesn't speak to them.

Most of the masses are stupid, yes.
A minority of them have found unique, interesting music.
A minority of that minority listens to metal.

Liking metal doesn't automatically classify you as superior to people who don't like/understand it. It's really all about whether or not a part of you can relate to it on a level that is unique and/or profound. Not how complex it is or the fact that it follows a narrative song structure rather than a verse-chorus-verse one.
i thought skullz666's initial post made some astute observations, in spite of his evident mental retardation. an idiot-savant, perhaps?
Erik said:
Mr. Joe has a point. Some people just aren't interested in music. I know a guy like this, who does realise that mainstream music is watered down tripe but will still not delve very deep into any particular genre. I've given him Kreator, Testament, I've given him Emperor and Burzum and Skepticism and Forefather and At the Gates over the years, and he usually goes "WOW THIS IS REALLY AWESOME STUFF!" for a while, then a couple of weeks later he starts listening to hip hop or J-pop or some crud like that, or just doesn't listen to much music at all.

To him, and many (the majority of) others I suppose, music is just kind of an occasional diversion, in the same way I feel about movies, for instance: I don't really have any ambition to seek out obscure and admittedly artistically superior underground movies, because as a whole, I don't care about movies. When I do occasionally watch movies for diversion it's not like I'm unaware that it's mass-produced, shallow Hollywood tripe, I just don't care because to me it's occasional entertainment. That doesn't make me less intelligent, and for some people music is the same.
I know this is old but I have to say

I AM THE SAME WAY and this pretty much says it all
polarity said:
i thought skullz666's initial post made some astute observations, in spite of his evident mental retardation. an idiot-savant, perhaps?

Er,like thanks....i think.

Id not call an IQ of 120 retarded(test done with mensa),the official figure for mental retardedness is under 75.
And the average is between 90-100 and einstiens IQ was about 140,so yeah,so what! im retarded in comparrison to einstien.
Lucky for me IQ tests dont include the ability to spell correctly.

Mind you,einstien may have been wrong with relativity,that whole thing is based on the repeated experiments showing light as ALWAYS 186,000mps no matter what happens,which leads to assumptions such as time travel,or going out in space near light speed and coming back 1 million years in the future,funny how there is new evidence suggesting light has not always been that speed,that throws a spanner in the works.

So much for having a 140 IQ,hell yeah you have to be stupid with 120 IQ then,and the average IQ being 90-100!!!! LMAO no wonder the world is a fucking mess.
Perdiiton's Light said:
Without having read any of the replies and making this as short as possible because I've been up all night against my will:

Metal is an inaccessable genre. Not only that, but most of it lacks the subtlety you can find in a really good post-punk, alt rock, indie, etc. band. (I know I'm going to catch a lot of shit for that but oh well)

When it comes to modern metal, I think a lot of kids just can't relate to songs about winterdemons, necrosathan, decimating christendom, vikings, or trolls playing polka metal. It just doesn't speak to them.

Most of the masses are stupid, yes.
A minority of them have found unique, interesting music.
A minority of that minority listens to metal.

Liking metal doesn't automatically classify you as superior to people who don't like/understand it. It's really all about whether or not a part of you can relate to it on a level that is unique and/or profound. Not how complex it is or the fact that it follows a narrative song structure rather than a verse-chorus-verse one.
I agree.

Erik said:
To him, and many (the majority of) others I suppose, music is just kind of an occasional diversion, in the same way I feel about movies, for instance: I don't really have any ambition to seek out obscure and admittedly artistically superior underground movies, because as a whole, I don't care about movies. When I do occasionally watch movies for diversion it's not like I'm unaware that it's mass-produced, shallow Hollywood tripe, I just don't care because to me it's occasional entertainment. That doesn't make me less intelligent, and for some people music is the same.
I am the same way as well, and it all boils down to an entertainment/art thing in the end, I suppose.
There are some very good posts in this thread. I just want to add that I don't try to convert anyone into anything. I know only a few people that are into music as much as Iam. Therefore, I only exchange cd listens with them. I have tried a few times to say "Here, listen to this and tell me what you think of it". To my dissapointment, I didn't usually get good reactions. So I gave up.
skullz666 said:
Er,like thanks....i think.

Id not call an IQ of 120 retarded(test done with mensa),the official figure for mental retardedness is under 75.
And the average is between 90-100 and einstiens IQ was about 140,so yeah,so what! im retarded in comparrison to einstien.
Lucky for me IQ tests dont include the ability to spell correctly.

Mind you,einstien may have been wrong with relativity,that whole thing is based on the repeated experiments showing light as ALWAYS 186,000mps no matter what happens,which leads to assumptions such as time travel,or going out in space near light speed and coming back 1 million years in the future,funny how there is new evidence suggesting light has not always been that speed,that throws a spanner in the works.

So much for having a 140 IQ,hell yeah you have to be stupid with 120 IQ then,and the average IQ being 90-100!!!! LMAO no wonder the world is a fucking mess.

:err: Pointless rant.
Most people that I know are very open-minded to metal. They never listen to it, but when I play it, they express genuine interest and respect. My best friends listen to hip-hop and stuff like that...religiously. Yet, they came to an Arsis show and enjoyed the music. One of them actually likes Dream Theater. Many of my friends are classical musicians, so they respect metal composiitonally if not aesthetically.

People can be a lot more open-minded than you think.
Where I'm from everyone listens to Rap and they cant stand my music. I only have a few friends who listen to the same music. My girlfriend listens rap but shes going to the Shadows Fall concert on the 14th with me. Shes pretty open minded. but most people around here hate metal and love rap.Theres alot of posers here to. Fuckin Pop-Punk wanna-bes.
I remember when my brother with his mates used to listen to drum and bass,if you thought rap is the worst music ever,you have not heard drum n bass.Its not music its just some black guy talking absolute pointless drivel over computerised drums and bass,lucky for me they actually turned it off and went in another room when i decided to play some death metal.
I listen to old-skool hiphop and freestyle w/ friends on frequent occasion so your ignorance regarding rap as an art form has done even less for your waning credibility than I could have ever imagined.

Yo got busted, foo'.
Best rapper ever = MC Zetro.


Anyway, I've found that a lot of people actually get into stuff like Maiden, Priest, etc. when exposed to it, but stuff that tends more to the extreme in just about ANY genre (even power metal) is inaccessible and easily dismissed for one reason or another.